the Adventure of Dental Healing


congratulations: You are now holding a virtual copy of my book on dental healing. I will post it up here for free for the time being. I  have been blessed with abundance and I have to share that.        –    Robert Godbout









1) how I got started ….



The teeth pretty interesting objects. They’re quite vital. Many animals depend on them not only for chewing but also for fighting and self-defense. Human teeth are seldom used for self defense. Instead they just do their job chewing food, and all they ask in return is to be kept clean.

There are actually metaphysicians of teeth. People like Estelle Vereek, a French dentist who was disbarred and put into jail for a year because she treated people outside the boundaries of accepted dentistry. Estelle is mystical because she believes that teeth are intelligent. Other people think this way too. But I’m here for common sense. I’m here to explore all the ways in which your teeth can be healed.

Teeth are healable, this much is true. Even if the teeth are badly damaged and many are missing, the healing process can begin now. One supreme irony I’ve found during my research into teeth is that the more work is done on them, the weaker they will be. If a tooth is always being worked on, chances are it’s not much of a tooth. Or, if it’s been root-canaled, then it’s just a placeholder.

Teeth ideally will have very little work done to them. And where work by a dentist is deemed necessary, then that work will be as least invasive as possible.

How healthy are your teeth? Are they good? Not so good? Are they pretty good or are they dismal and terrible. Take a good honest sef-evaluation. Then get your nose back in here quick.

If you’re like most human beings today, you have issues with your teeth. Anything from mild to severe. I’m no exception. I’m not severe but I’m not where I want my teeth to be either. Far from it.

I became really motivated with healing my teeth several years ago while studying the subject of success. A lot of people study success books, and for most of them it’s all about money. It’s about becoming the CEO of your own company and everything. Which is actually really easy. Just incorporate yourself for maybe 200 dollars and bingo, you’re now a CEO.

But I saw a different viewpoint. It was obvious to me that good health and fitness are basic to success. So I did a quick analysis of my physical well-being and it didn’t take me long to conclude that my teeth were surely the weakest link in the whole chain. And predictably so. But why? Why should my teeth have to be less healthy than the rest of me? It dawned on me that this was a negative expectation that had no basis in logic or common sense. Things I treasure highly.

This chain reaction of deep insights woke something up in me. Something snapped. It was like the noon day sun shining in a dark dingy bedroom. The kind of dark dingy bedroom that has rock posters and stinks of stale smoke.

That light bulb above me asked: What if I could make my teeth as healthy as they can be? What if I had ideal teeth? Wouldn’t my success standing shoot right up? Wouldn’t my success go through the roof? Well, it would, except that for me, true success is really a broad measure, and it includes all kinds of good things like happiness and fulfillment. And would good teeth help here? Absolutely. Good healthy teeth would remove a huge amount of pressure from anyone’s life. Mine included.

So I decided to supercede the success focus with something better. My teeth became my cause celebre. This is fancy talk for “main focus”. My teeth took over as the vehicle for my impending bliss. And what a vehicle it’s been since then! What a ride! My teeth, my teeth. They were there the whole time, and now I’m seeing them for the first time. What precious treasures they are. What shimmering jewels. Well, what’s left of them anyway.

I studied and I studied. I went to coffee shops and sat long hours with my cinnamon tea, poring over the ways and means by which my teeth could become much, much more healthy. I sipped tea and I surfed, and I read stuff, whatever I could find. I went to libraries and sought out anything I could find on dental healing, which turned out be almost nothing! Things started to jell. I could see some sense in the whole undertaking. There was a serious deficit in dental healing knowledge. Was this planned in advance?

It’s been an incredible journey so far. I have become a dental healing expert, just because I wanted to! Who could ask for more. Well, I could ask for a 10 million dollar house in a beautiful forest, and live like an elf from the Ring saga, but my healthy teeth quest gave me so much value. My hard study has blessed me many times over with treasures of unknown knowledge. And what knowledge it is. A treasure trove and much more.

Then it started to dawn on me that other people want healthy teeth too. Of course they do. They want good teeth but they haven’t got a clue how to get there. There’s almost no good info for them to consult. So right away, I knew I had to turn my study into a book. And this is the book. A book like this is not a book, it’s a waterfall of pent up need.

My research has allowed me to come up with so many incredible insights. Famous names too. For example, a medical biologist of days gone by named Reinhold Voll said that up to 80% of the body’s maladies could have their origins in the teeth. Imagine that. What an incredible figure. The whole body is so tied in to the teeth. If the teeth are bad, then the body will invariably suffer. Incredible. This has profound implications for medical science, by the way. And doctors are not allowed to look at the teeth. Do you see the incredible dynamics here?

I want you to pause now and imagine yourself with excellent healthy teeth. Try if you can. Try to picture yourself with excellent healthy teeth, and stick with that image. Don’t you feel better already? I sure do, and I’m only suggesting it to you.

For you, the healing process can begin today. Why wait any longer? Why not get your teeth back on track and make them the healthiest they can be. And that way, most of your body’s issues will also disappear. That’s according to not only Mr. Voll but to many other secret experts as well, who are also fully aware of the vital body and dental connection.

And why are these experts secret? Think a bit. Isn’t it true that healing can be risky? Ask Jesus Christ. He went around healing people for free, and what did he get for it? Angry mobs wanting to do away with him. That’s what being a healer gets you today. It threatens the profits of some very wealthy companies. And those companies get very angry if you go around undermining their big profits. So that — is why the best experts in healing are secret. Shhhh.

You knew this was going to be an adventure, didn’t you. So strap yourself in and let’s get started. And mind those sheer cliffs on either side …




2) healing means getting past all the BS …

The process of healing our teeth may seem like a really hard task unless we break it down into small bits of solid strategy. When we really understand the playing field, things become much clearer and the goal becomes clear too. We start with expectation and with confidence.

When I laid down the first draft of this book, I was really rough on the dental profession. This book project grew out of the frustration and the confusion that I felt when trying to get good solid advice on healing. I was looking for healers, but all I was finding was business executives from the shark tank. I was trying to get healing directions from dentists and all I got was the same cliches. Most of these were centered around that ubiquitous marketing word “smile”. I started getting really angry.

When I get angry I either want to fight people or find solutions. Luckily, I started looking for solutions. People have a strange relationship with dentists. They seem to really depend on them and trust whatever they say, and yet, they are also terrified of them. And they’re disgusted with the bills they get. Dentists are unusual folks to begin with. It’s said that the best dentists are those who are obsessed with intricate detail. Especially working with their hands, in very tight spaces. Well, that sure describes dentistry, doesn’t it. But wait. Does it describe healing?

Ahhhh, there’s the break we’re looking for. We’re breaching the fortress already. This is good, very good.

We have dentistry and we have healing. Maybe the two don’t naturally mesh. Dentists can be very good at their craft, very skilled, experts at sculpting delicate contours and shaping jawlines and other serious bio-technology stuff. But are they healers? Try asking them that. I did, many times.

I spent a few weeks going around to various dental offices. Whenever I saw one, I would pop inside. Much of the time I only got as far as the receptionist, but sometimes I got to talk with the dentists too. They would usually come bailing out of their office in a kind of trance, as though they knew some important business was taking place in the front lobby.

So I plied them with the basic question: Do you do healing here? Besides getting a lot of guffaws, I often got replies like “Well we have the latest in scientific equipment, all the latest technology, we’re board certified for implants, and just about everything else. Hey, you look like you could use a new set of crowns.”

“Really? My mouth was mostly closed. You can’t see my teeth from where you are.”

“Yes, but we can tell.”

“Tell what?”

“When a person can afford a new set of crowns.”

“But do you do healing here?”

“Listen, my secretary will set you all up for a complete smile makeover.”

“Yeah. But I want to heal.”

“Ehhhh, what are you asking?”

“I said I want to heal my teeth. I want my teeth to become better. Not worse. I want them to heal. Organically and naturally, so that they function just as well as every other part of my body. Which for the most part functions pretty well. That is, except for my teeth, which always have all kinds of issues. Do you have any idea of why this might be? And by the way, DO YOU DO HEALING HERE?”

“A smile makeover will really make you look great, let me tell you. A brand new smile and you’ll be biting fresh apples in no time. Very affordable payment plan.”

“Well, I’m sure it will make your next few boat payments. But I’m only looking for healing.”

“Look. I know someone who can help you.”

“Who’s that?”

“He can reshape your jaw and face and have you looking like a Hollywood star in no time.”

“Yes. I’m quite sure. Look. I’m SMILING because I’m leaving your office. I just got that makeover for free.”

“STOP. Nothing’s free in this world. Not even this professional consultation.”

“My fist making a trajectory towards your delicate facial bone structure is free.”

“Have a good day, Sir. You do need some crowns. A lot of crowns.”




3) how dental healing takes place …


I’m an experienced ice hockey player and I have a Level 3 certification in coaching hockey. I’ve never lost any teeth to the sport, although many players have. Right now good mouth guards are mandatory. A lot of professional hockey players are missing their front teeth. It’s an occupational hazard.

I’m on the dental healing path now. Nothing will stop me. And because I’m not a professional dentist doesn’t mean I can’t know everything I need to about healing teeth. The teeth are not so complicated. They’re intelligent and they respond to anyone who wants to help them become really well. And that’s miracle number one right there.

Keeping them healthy is logical. Don’t be put off by all the scientific language that professionals use. They’re in a tightly-knit fraternity and they use that language-code to communicate with each other. It intimidates the heck out of all outsiders. But that’s how any profession is. A closed shop, and non-members stay away.

As a healer you don’t need that professional jargon anyway. Your mission is based on common sense, not on appearances. You have a different world-view than they do. You know that your teeth are alive. They are not engineering projects. They respond to good treatment and to gentle remedies.

Your teeth have three primary layers. These are the inner pulp layer, the intermediate dentin, and the outer hard enamel. Now here is something unique about the teeth. The enamel is the only part of the body that can’t heal itself. Every other part of the body can heal and regenerate, but not the enamel. That’s because it’s a semi-organic material that has mostly mineral content.

Tim Rainey is a Texas dentist and a pioneer of Minimally Invasive Dentistry (MID). He says: ”The tooth is covered with a layer of lipoprotein, laden with calcium phosphate that comes and goes. Beneath that is an extremely hard and dense layer of enamel, which is about 0.2 millimetres, or 200-400 microns thick. Inside of that hard layer, the tooth structure becomes much softer. These parts all form the structural integrity of the tooth. When you bite down on the tooth, the stress is transferred through the entire tooth down into the root, which deforms slightly. This is part of its natural stress-relieving mechanism.”

The enamel can’t heal itself so once it’s gone that’s it. A new semi-hard layer called secondary dentin can be formed by the dentin layer, but that’s always a healing reaction. Still, this is how the tooth heals and becomes functional again. The inner dentin becomes hard enough to take the place of the damaged enamel.

Remineralization is the firming up of a damaged tooth to make it functional. Robert Nara is a former dentist turned healing advocate: ”The smaller cavities will heal, remineralize up to about two millimetres deep. What will happen in a tooth that is severely decayed is that the stump will firm up. Instead of being soft and mushy, it develops a leathery consistency. A healed tooth will remain resistant to decay as long as the oral conditions are beneficial.”

This refers to seriously damaged teeth. They don’t have to be pulled out, or root-canaled. Either of these options effectively kill the tooth. Every tooth should be saved. If the enamel is badly damaged it can be replaced with a healthy composite filling. If the damage and decay is deeper than the enamel then other methods such a pulp-capping may have to be used. Killing the tooth is obviously the last resort.

Here is a new twist on the dental paradigm: All healing should be painless and fun. Just imagine a kind of dentistry where painful and terrifying things like high-speed drills and long needles are not used at all. Wouldn’t that remove a large part of the dread associated with dentistry? Yes, it sure would. Well, this kind of dentistry is possible.

Healing has to be enjoyable. The very process of healing entails the body getting better, not worse. How can sharp pain and terror have any part in healing? It can’t. It’s obvious that the methods have to change for true healing to happen. We can’t combine dread and pain with healing. They just don’t mix.

Are we capable of healing our teeth? Yes we are. Can we do this without dread and pain? Yes we can. We have to start by listening to our teeth and then doing only things beneficial to them. Preventive measures are a huge part of this. We have to alter our habits so that we give our teeth a good opportunity to be excellent. It means waking up to the fact that commercial food is often no good for us. This might be the hardest part for most people. They like their indulgences. However, the bad habits have to morph into the healthy habits and there’s no other way around it.

It’s only because of neglect that people end up in a reclined position beneath a bright light, facing certain pain and huge financial cost. No one ever wants to be in that position, like a bug on a board. We have to get a lot smarter, and no one can do it for us. We need to take charge of our healing.


4) dentists are great but YOU are greater …


We’ve got a strategy and we’ve made the decision to heal our valuable teeth. And heal we will. The dental profession is the custodian most knowledge there is on the subject of teeth. Most books on the subject of teeth are written in very technical language and are used by professionals. But there are a few good dental healing books written for folks like you and me. There’s Whole Body Dentistry by Mark Breiner, and Tooth Truth by Frank Jerome. Hal Huggins and Robert Nara are two authors worth knowing.

Why not break down the healing path for our teeth into small manageable chunks that we can work with easily? And why not establish a new kind of relationship with this monopoly profession called dentistry? Our new relationship is predicated on healing only. Not on marketing, not on profit and loss or anything else.

When I sat in those coffee shops and pored over everything I could find on dental healing, a great feeling of relief came when I realized that I was truly on my own. Yes, dentists are very good at what they do, excellent in fact. But they simply are not trained to be healers. Their training takes place over at least four years of very specialized biotechnological training. This training is done is security-sealed campuses. You can’t go inside to talk because the guards will stop you.

Dentists are trained to skillfully manage repairs and alterations of essential tissues and to make a very good professional income. They have no competition. They trained a long time and often went deeply into debt to finance their lucrative careers. Now they set their own hours, usually quite short, and they enjoy a good lifestyle.

There is a knowledge that dentists have one of the highest rates of depression of any profession. If you look into this, you will realize that it has noting to do with their easy schedules or their high incomes. No, they definitely don’t get depressed because of guilt feelings. Quite the opposite. What happens is that they are routinely exposed to some of the most toxic chemical substances as part of their practice. For many years this included the most notorious poison of all, mercury. Just being near the stuff and having to handle it, and place into the victim’s mouths, guaranteed that they would also be poisoned. Hence their rates of depression. People don’t discuss this. They definitely need to.

They went to dental college at least four years. They were taught not only a method but a culture and an attitude. We are working with this attitude, not against it. We are going to turn every dentist into our ally for healing.

Most dentists sincerely want to do well and help their clients. We just need to learn the language that dentists speak. We need to know that words like “buccal” and “proximal” (muttered to the assistant while doing a check-up) are meant to be healing terms. That’s part one of our strategy. We break it into manageable chunks and we’re in tune with everything. There is no more mystery to dentistry, because there is only healing.




4) I’ve tossed the commercial brands and returned to simplicity …


We’ve routinely gotten some very questionable advice on how to take care of our teeth. Everything from the toothpastes people use and their dental hygiene, to the food that they eat, to the types of work that they consent to have done by dentists. Now, it’s rare to find a person with really good healthy teeth. There’s a fundamental problem. Right away, we need to become our own healers. From there, the sky’s the limit. We really can heal our teeth if we want to.

Our teeth are intelligent on some level, just like any other part of our body, and they do want to be optimally well. We just can’t hear them screaming when a high speed drill is turned on. An indicator that teeth are intelligent is seen in stem cells. It’s determined that the highest evolution of cells are known as pluripotent, and these have the ability to morph into any cell in the body. These pluripotent cells and found in only two locations in the body: in the placental tissues and in the molars of adolescents. To me that’s another indication of how special the teeth are to overall health.

My teeth are not nearly what they should be, and I take full responsibility for that. Yes. it’s true that there was a lot of damage caused by having unhealthy materials placed in my teeth. I’m referring mainly to mercury amalgam fillings. That whole process caused a lot of unnecessary damage. And damage to teeth is often irreversible. I have to get over it and start healing.

I started making my own toothpaste. A lot of the big commercial brands of toothpaste contain many toxic ingredients. The toothpaste I make has only healthy components. Actually it contains primarily organic coconut oil and baking soda, along with a few concentrated essential oils.

I often brush with just baking soda. It’s not very abrasive: much lower on the scale than some of the whitening toothpastes. I do a lot of other things that have become habitual. I carry a dental kit with me wherever I go. That way I try to make sure that my oral environment is where it should be. I floss often and I’m always amazed at how many bits of trapped food come out every time I do.

These trapped bits of food are the beginnings of bacteria housing, so you want them out right way. I’ve flossed at restaurants and gotten dirty looks from other patrons. Little do they know.

I’ve reformulated my entire relationship with the dental profession. Frank Jerome is a former dentist who wrote the book ”Tooth Truth”. He says: ”It’s insider knowledge among the dental profession that up to 95% of all treatments are optional.” Now that 95% is a very high number, and this is coming from a working dentist. This is a powerful tool to work with.

When a dentist gives me a treatment plan or a diagnosis, it’s just beginning of the discussion. Most folks think the treatment plan is final. No, it’s only the start of a HEALING CONVERSATION. I surprise a lot of dentists by knowing that 95% of what they suggest is optional. In fact I’m sure I shock a few.




6) over-treatment is sometimes worse than no treatment …


Does anyone really enjoy going to the dentist? Very unlikely. Most people are terrified about it. The whole experience is usually traumatic. But why should that be? Healing must be enjoyable. Otherwise it probably isn’t healing.

There needs to be a clear communication between the professional and the client, and the client should know and understand everything that’s going on. This feature is almost always lacking.

Instead during the checkup, the dentist will mumble words to his assistant like “mesial, occlusal, buccal …”? And the client is already “buckling up” for serious pain. Pure dread. But that is the “drill and fill” approach. The dentist works in what is called an operatory. This tells you that they’re doing surgery every time. Stop! Who needs surgery every time?

Drill and fill. Where’s the healing conversation? Where’s the client involvement? This has to change if we’re going to heal our teeth.

Mainstream medicine is often called allopathic. This is the official business medicine. All through history there has been an alternative to this approach, the naturopathic. It’s always been the traditional healer’s path in medicine.

Allopathic medicine tends to shine in any emergency situations. However it always falls short with chronic long-term conditions because it always presribes lots of synthetic drugs which don’t address the core problem, but only mask the symptoms. To really heal, the process has to involve the body’s own unique ability to heal itself under the right conditions.

Dentistry hasn’t had naturopathy yet, but it needs to. After all, the body is one unit and all the parts affect the whole. And dental health is crucial to the overall health.

Horse traders are in a serious business and they only want healthy horses. So the first thing they do when inspecting a horse … is that they open the animal’s mouth and have a real good look. This usally tells them everything they need to know. About the true condition of that critter.

So the question is this: Are humans any different? Suppose you went up to your buddy and had a good look at their teeth. Could you tell a lot about their overall health? I bet you could. HEY. Let’s heal our teeth. Let’s start today. We can do it if we decide to.




7) healing often runs counter to business …


We could have dental healing spas. These would be places where healing comes first. They would be styled like a hygienist’s office, but would be completely naturopathic. This would be a place where healing is explored and rediscovered.

In ancient times there were some great healers. The name that first comes to mind is Yeshua, also known as Jesus Christ. He was (is) a great healer who didn’t charge for his services. This brought out the wrath and fury of those who stood to lose by his actions. The crowd that stood before Pilate and demanded his execution. Maybe it wasn’t a crowd of incidental jews after all. Maybe it was a crowd of medical executives and drug company CEO’s. What do YOU think?

There was another great healer in Roman times named Asclepios. He set up dream temples. Afflicted folks would go there, and after checking in, they would be taken to private cottages where they would be given special herbs to induce very lucid dreaming. After one or a few days, they would experience a very vivid healing dream. This dream was interpreted by the staff and prescriptions were then given in the form of various natural herbs and other instructions.

Alas, in due time Asclepios was smitten by none other than Zeus, the CEO of the Olympian pantheon. That’s an actual verifiable legend that maybe really happened. It just goes to show you that when you threaten the serious profits of the establishment, you’d better have a good escape plan. Healing can be a dangerous business indeed.




8) protecting the vital enamel has to be our top priority …


We need to face the fact that dental enamel can’t repair itself. If it could, then your teeth could heal all by themselves. But the enamel, being the hardest substance in the body and harder than bones, cannot repair itself when damaged.

The inner dentin layer, on the other hand, can produce secondary dentin that’s almost as hard and durable as enamel. That way damaged teeth can become functional. That secondary dentin layer can withstand all the normal biting forces, just like new enamel.

The most basic thing is to prevent cavities in the first place. This way we’ll stop going to the dentist in the first place.

We need an excellent prevention technique. This basically means that there are no residual food residues and biofilm in your mouth that will attract harmful bacteria. It’s a matter of keeping the oral environment clean.

Those bacteria colonize in the dental crevices and start the decay process. Any rough surfaces and fissures in the teeth are going to be harbors for these bacteria. These are called “food traps”.

Use only a good quality toothbrush. Use a softer one so you don’t harm your gums. Try and use a natural bristle one. Brushing doesn’t have to be only the up and down motion. Use the brush the way a professional cleaner would. Go around in circles and probe for deeper spots. Cover everything.

Brush this way with pure baking soda. It will be the freshest your teeth have ever felt. Your teeth are smart. They prefer natural substances every time.

you should floss with the unwaxed and unflavored type. Use it often and notice how many food particles pop out when you use it. That stuff, if left there, would attract cavity-causing bacteria. I carry floss with me in my dental healing kit wherever I go. I often floss after the kind of snacks like a muffin that leaves food stuck in the cracks.

When your mouth is fully free of any residual sugars and starches from processed food and drink, you’ll really feel it. It will feel like you own your mouth. Get into the habit of spotting harmful foods and drinks quickly. One thing we do know is that this world is full of danger foods. By that I mean sugary artificial foods and drinks that can really damage your oral health. This stuff is everywhere.

When I was in China, I noticed that whenever I walked into a 7-11 type of convenience store, the whole place smelled of hot soup. There was a bin in the center of the shop where spongy snacks and eggs on long sticks were soaking in a hot broth. In France, the entire convenience store was full of very nutritious items such as cheese sandwiches and fresh salads. Ahh, les Francais. Ils sont des bons connesseurs.

North America: when you walk into a typical convenience store, notice that 95% of what’s there is candy. You’ll be hard pressed to find anything at all that’s actually nutritional in these shops. They’re basically candy and lottery tickets.

PREVENTION. It’s the first factor in dental healing. Danger foods and drinks are everywhere, and you just need to accept that you’re in the middle of a war being fought against your own teeth, and the rest of your body too. Toughen up and listen to your teeth.

I use honey to put into my tea. But too much can be a problem. Flavored yogurt is very hard on the teeth because the sugars in it will double the damage due to the way it sticks to the teeth along with the yogurt. Only use the unflavored and unsweetened yogurt. Organic cheese yogurt are rich in calcium. Use raw if you can, despite that raw milk is usually not legal, on account of it’s so healthy for you. Invest in a shared cow.




9) how about more risky subjects …


If you’ve heard stories of people inventing miracle cures for some of the so-called incurable diseases, and then suddenly they go missing and are never heard from again, then you know that someone doesn’t want this to happen. There are forces out there that don’t want you to cure everything. That’s just something that has to be dealt with.

I’ve been using hydrogen peroxide quite a bit the past few years. It’s basically pure water with an extra molecule of oxygen. In chemical terms, H2O2. We know that oxygen is the greatest healing element known. Athletes use oxygen chambers to heal from injuries incredibly fast. Oxygen can be used in so many ways to promote healing. We have to learn how to use it effectively to heal our teeth.

With the hydrogen peroxide, I use a 5% solution of the food grade kind only. It’s a bit stronger than the 3% usually recommended. I swish it around in my mouth for around a minute. You can really feel the sharp disinfecting action taking place. When it foams up, it means that many bacterial residues are being neutralized.

I definitely recommend getting to know several good health-food shops if there are any in your area. These people are usually very wise and smart when it comes to healing strategies. They know about things like hydrogen peroxide. They usually carry the really top quality natural toothpastes, dental flosses, and brushes. They will also sell you natural coconut oil and good baking soda, along with many essential healing oils such as Tea Tree, Neem, Eucalyptus, and Oregano, so you can make your own healing toothpaste and give it a great flavor as well.

In terms of healing nothing heals better than pure oxygen, and there’s a concentrated form of oxygen known as ozone. The subject of ozone is a bit tricky because while it does absolute wonders, the dental establishment appears to be very reluctant to promote or support it. A company named Longevity Resources makes dental ozone units. There’s an ozone generator that feeds the ozone directly onto the tooth using a special cup end. It will blast toxins out of existence but is harmless to healthy tissue. It works especially well for bacteria-compromised teeth such a root-canaled ones. The ozone goes deeply into the tissues and does much good healing.

“An inexpensive yet powerful antimicrobial, neither bacteria, nor viruses or fungi develop resistance to it. Ozone is a natural approach to infection control, wound management, and tissue repair.”

The KaVo company in Germany used to make the HealOzone units but they were bought out by an American investment firm. I think the Chinese will be very strong in this market in times to come. People in the know trust ozone as a miracle healing element. I suggest that you do some good digging into this and use what you find.

If you’re serious about healing, especially the dental kind, you’ll become very serious about the myriad positive qualities of H2O2. People use it for disinfecting just about anything. Ultimately H2O2 is synonymous with Ozone. Both are from pure oxygen with an extra atom. Once you get to know it, it will become indespensable.




10) some people actually had ideal teeth …



If your prevention habits led to excellent oral hygiene, you’d really never have to go visit a dentist again. Wouldn’t that be incredible? New cavities would never form, and your teeth would be taking care of themselves.

As utopian as that might seem, people have actually been found who fit this description. Around a century ago, a medical and nutritional anthropologist named Weston Price went out in search of folks who never have tooth decay. He actually found many of them in places that also had no dentists at all.

One location was one of the Faroe Islands, where all the food was local and fresh. Other places where people had no dentists and perfect teeth were several of the more remote Pacific Islands.

They key to these people was that they ate only pure-state unprocessed foods. No additives or conditioners of any kind.

”They had perfect teeth structure and little tooth decay. Their teeth were well spaced with plenty of room, and were white and healthy. Dental wellness is largely determined by diet, especially three main factors: 1) The presence of enough minerals in the diet, 2) The presence of enough fat soluble vitamins (A, D, E and K), and 3) How available these nutrients are and how well the body is absorbing them.”

In a truly utopian book called Ringing Cedars, author Vladimir Megre describes how he was treated to a lavish banquet right in the middle of the rugged Siberian forest:

”There on the grass, on a variety of leaves both large and small, lay a host of delicacies. They filled an area larger than a square meter in size. And everything was beautifully laid out with tasteful decor – cranberries, huckleberries, cloudberries, raspberries, black and red currants, dried strawberries, dried mushrooms, small cucumbers and two medium-sized red tomatoes. These lay among a multitude of clumps of herbs, decorated with floral petals. Some sort of white liquid, looking not unlike milk, stood in a little hollowed-out wooden bowl. (This turned out to be pine nut milk.) There was honey in the comb, too, strewn with multicolored grains of pollen dust.

I quickly picked up a tomato, tried it and polished it off on the spot. Its taste, too, was extraordinarily delicious. Like the cucumber, it was far tastier than any other tomato I had ever eaten. Neither of them required any salt, sour cream or salad oil. They were delicious in and of themselves. Just like a raspberry, or an apple or an orange. Nobody would ever think of either sweetening or salting an apple or a pear.”

Megre’s dinner host was Anastasia, a remarkable woman born and raised in the pure boreal forest of Russia. We don’t necessarily have to travel to Russia to have an ideal diet that prevents dental decay. We simply have to stubborn and insist on the best. That means a diet that’s rich in natural fibres, such as fruit and vegetables.

The Book of Daniel in the Bible gives us this:

1) ”The king appointed for them a daily ration from the king’s choice food and from the wine which he drank.”
2) ”But Daniel resolved not to defile himself with the royal food and wine.”
3) ”Give us nothing but vegetables to eat and water to drink.”
4) ”Then compare our appearance with that of the young men who eat the royal food.”
5) ”At the end of the ten days they looked healthier and better nourished than any of the young men who ate the royal food.”
6) ”So the overseer continued to withhold their choice food and the wine they were to drink, and kept giving them vegetables.”
7) ”To these four young men God gave knowledge and understanding of all kinds of literature and learning. And Daniel could understand visions and dreams of all kinds.”
8) ”In every matter of wisdom and understanding about which the king questioned them, he found them ten times better than all the magicians and enchanters in his whole kingdom.”

This was an incredible episode. It showed where someone’s inner power came from.




11) a simpler diet is usually a much better one …

Diet is a very personal subject. Fruit is probably the most perfect food because it’s the only food that nature offers up with a “please eat me” label attached to it. Plants want to spread their seeds.

Viktoras Kulvinskas, co-founder of the Hippocrates Institute, said: ”Fruit is the most perfect food. Fruit acids do not make the body acid. Rather they increase the alkalinity of the body. Protein, starch, and fat foods are acid-forming, while fruits, as well as vegetables render the urine alkaline.” It’s now accepted that alkalinity is the best condition for the body, and that a high acidity leads to illness. The saliva carries a Ph level of 7.4, which is slightly alkaline.

Unprocessed food is by far the best of all. The Asian people’s diet revolves around rice, which is mostly unprocessed. Lucky Asians.

Immunity will bring about cavity resistance. The teeth are fed by the “fluid transport system”. It’s the flow of nutrition from the blood, bringing vital nutrients to the pulp layer of the teeth, which then feeds the dentin layer and the enamel to build up resistance to harmful bacteria. On the outer level, the saliva contains special chemicals that also help keep the enamel strong. Good diet results in good saliva.

Periodic fasting is the all-time greatest healing practice. It flushes out many harmful toxins from the body. How long and how often you fast is entirely up to you. A good way to fast is to do a 10-day juice-only fast. It can be a very pleasant experience, and hunger is usually a non-issue. Fasting is the great miracle that purges out all those poisons, and does it relatively painlessly and comfortably.

A Russian doctor Olga Kharitidi in her book ”Entering the Circle” tells of a remarkable practice by some holistic psychiatrists in Siberia. The most psychotic and dangerous patients are put into a padded room with a toilet in the corner, and given nothing but pure distilled water for two whole weeks. After that time, they’re usually close to normal and healed. The obvious reason being, they’ve flushed all the poisons out of their system. A therapy like this is so ridiculously simple, yet it’s been shown to be incredibly effective. Imagine how medicine, and especially psychiatry would change if they accepted the notion that mental illnesses are caused by environmental factors including bodily poisons.

Arabian people say: ”Fasting the month of Ramadan cleanses the mind, body, and soul from the spiritual and physical impurities of this world. It satiates the hungry soul for its eagerness to please the Lord of the Worlds.”





12) people have studied what causes cavities …


One of the main questions in dental healing has to be: What causes cavities and how can tooth decay be stopped? Good oral hygiene habits and a good diet will go a long way towards stopping cavities from ever forming. But what causes them in the first place?

Truly, health and wellness is a kind of mystical subject where things are not always as clear and well-defined as some would like them to be. Vague but powerful factors such as energy and feelings sneak in and make things messy for the scientists. However, it’s assumed that cavities result from a combination of bacteria and chemical conditions acting on the teeth, along with a low immunity due to an inadequate diet.

The main bacterial culprits are thought to be lactobaccilus acidophilus and streptococcus mutans. Yes, those are very fancy names, but let’s not be overly concerned about it. What actually happens is that food residues form a kind of biofilm in the mouth and on the teeth, which then settles on the teeth and in the crevices. This biofilm is also called plaque.

It provides an environment for the bacteria to settle down and live permanently. That’s the start of the problem. Once that happens, you start to get a hardened state called tartar where the bacteria are more entrenched. Tartar and calculus are a matter of degrees. The bacteria are colonized and they begin the secrete acids which etch and perforate into the enamel layer. It’s like a colony that’s putting down deeper roots. The enamel gets compromised and the action, if unstopped, leads through the enamel into the dentin, and in the worst case, to the pulp. By then it’s a very serious cavity and requires very heroic action. The idea is to never allow things to go that far, ever.

The former dentist Robert Nara claimed that odontosis (basic tooth decay) is a 100% preventable disease. The harmful bacteria that become ”established” must be removed before they progress to form tartar, which is hard, brittle biofilm that has become calcified.

Nara says: ”The germs feed on food wastes and then excrete their own wastes. The acid secreted is also known as dextrans. When this combines with food bits in the mouth, biofilm forms. The germs settle in the plaque and then make more plaque in a cycle. When enough plaque has built up, anaerobic (shielded from air) germs are able to do damage. Starches and sugars in the diet don’t directly attack the teeth, what they do is feed these bacteria which in turn attack the teeth. The bacteria produce the acids (dextrans) which are what attack the tooth enamel.”

Cavities (odontosis or dental caries) needs to be stopped before it progresses too far. That’s the first step in healing. There are harsh ways of removing hardened biofilm (plaque and tartar) such as with metal instruments, but these can chip away healthy enamel in the process. There are much smarter ways. One is to use baking soda on a rotating head electric brush. The baking soda has mild abrasiveness but cleans very well and disinfects too. Another way is with a biologically friendly gel. This will soften the deposits so they can be brushed away, usually with special brushes that reach deeply into crevices. A good naturopathic dental hygienist is the best person for this type of work. The hygienist is also much cheaper than a dentist and they do the best overall prevention work.

Finding a good naturopathically-inclined dental hygienist is probably the best dental healing investment you can make. Make sure this person is ready to communicate really well and honestly concerning your dental healing journey. Search really well for such a professional, then make this person your top ally on your wellness path. And enlist any other holistic-minded healers (such as good ozone therapists) onto your success team.





13) radical voices that scare the dental establishment …


Tim Rainey is a genius proponent of Minimally Invasive Dentistry. I say genius because this working dentist has bucked the trends in many ways. He became a dentist but did it his way. He argued with dental college professors all the time. His arguments were based on common sense. The professors didn’t like this one bit. Rainey got his degree anyway. Now he’s a leading proponent of “doing the least work necessary on the teeth, every time.”

Now that is radical dentistry. Where are all the profits? Well, obviously, the main profit is feeling pretty darn good about the job you are doing. Going home at night feeling good about the person you are. An awesome value. How much is that feeling worth? A lot, obviously. It reminds me of the Neil Peart lyric: “Glittering prizes, and endless compromises, shatter the illusion of integrity.” That lyric belongs in year one of every dental college program.

Rainey says: ”Tooth decay is primarily driven by the symbiotic relationship between bacteria and acidity, which creates a pathogenic bioflora in your mouth. If you’re continually lowering the pH in your mouth, you start losing calcium, which is necessary for strong healthy teeth. Calcium deficiency leads to porosity in the teeth, which allows plaque that has turned pathogenic to attack the tooth more thoroughly. Once certain types of bacteria are able to penetrate the enamel, they put out enzymes that begin to break down the collagen of the inner structure of the tooth.”

Rainey says: ”The pathogenic bacteria desire an acidic environment. Then you have the bacteria (the probiotic bacteria) that live in a neutral environment. So, why not promote the non-pathogenic bacteria by neutralizing the acidity with baking soda at night, which has profound effects on the overall oral health of the individual? You can brush with it, use it as a mouth rinse, and even dissolve a little in the water you use in WaterPik or HydroFloss.”

Rainey explains brushing: ”Wet your toothbrush and dip it into the baking soda. Brush as usual. Your teeth should feel smooth when finished. To rinse: About a teaspoon in a small glass of water is sufficient. Just swish it around in your mouth and spit out. To floss: Dissolve a small amount of baking soda in water and fill your irrigation instrument. Make sure not to let it dry inside your WaterPik as it will cause buildup and eventually render the tool useless. Store it upside-down in a glass of baking soda and water, as the baking soda will prevent harmful bacteria from proliferating. Once a week, drain it all out and rinse it thoroughly with water.

Rainey is a big advocate of baking soda for pH balancing. The overall protocol combines the ”bacteria approach” and the ”nutrition approach” for explaining dental caries. With correct prevention methods, we’re able to eliminate nearly all of the need for reparative dentistry.

Tim Rainey still works at his practice in rural Texas, but obviously he’s a superstar of dentistry and people seek him out from all over. He’s a bit like Hal Huggins. Ridiculed and lambasted at first, then recognized as a truth teller over time.




14) it’s good to know where dangers lurk …

Ideally, your dental healing path will gain real traction. The more you know about healing teeth, the more confident you will feel overall. This will allow you to have a serious healing strategy, and it will let you deal with the dental profession really effectively.

There are a lot of assumptions in society, and what a surprise when some of them turn out to be completely false. We don’t know exactly how many widely-held assumptions are false, but it’s a safe bet that quite a few are.

Gerald Judd is a chemist who takes a keen interest in dentistry. Most commercial toothpastes contain a lot of fluoride in them. Judd says: ”Fluoride is harmful as it attacks the proteins which line the gums. Fluoride in water at one part per million INCREASED tooth cavities in four large reliable studies (by an average of 21%). The reason for these increases has to do with the fact that adenosine diphosphatase is destroyed by fluoride, and CALCIUM FLUORIDE which slips into the enamel, is alien to the tooth composite and makes the enamel weak, brittle and discolored. To avoid fluoride is to prevent more than 114 ailments caused by 1 ppm fluoride in the water.

”The mechanism for destruction of enzymes by fluoride has been proven. To avoid fluoride is to prevent the destruction of 83 enzymes. Fluoride is a severe biological poison. Being intensely negative, it unlatches positive hydrogen bonds in enzymes and proteins. It is fortunate we have learned fluoride is a nerve poison. Fluoride causes cavities. There is not the slightest doubt. Fluoride harms the economy by making people purchase bottled water to avoid it. Ignorance about fluoride and what it does is world-wide.”

It turns out that the big push for fluoridating water (putting sodium fluoride, a toxic waste product of the aluminum industry and very expensive to dispose of safely, into the public water) was overseen by a famous “master of propaganda” named Gerald Bernays. A red flag if there ever was one. Bernays later admitted that he had greatly misled people. Individuals need to keep asking questions about everything, and that applies especially for serious healers.

Medical doctor Lawrence Wilson says: ”Fluorides are all highly toxic for the body. I would avoid any and all products containing fluorides including tooth pastes, mouthwashes and others. Water fluoridation is a total abomination that has been abandoned everywhere in the world except in the USA and parts of Great Britain, and a few other places. Sodium fluoride is a potent enzyme poison. The toxic dose is very close to the dose used in municipal water supplies. Problems with artificial fluoridation at “safe levels” include allergic reactions, fluorosis (fluoride poisoning), and many more. Fluoride is a by-product of the aluminum and fertilizer industries, and is considered a toxic waste.”

One Australian investigator says: ”Fluoride is a basic ingredient of Sarin nerve gas (Isopropyl-Methyl-Phosphoryl Fluoride). Sodium fluoride is a hazardous waste by-product from the manufacture of aluminum and phosphate fertilizer and is a common ingredient in rat and cockroach poisons, anesthetics, hypnotics, psychiatric drugs, and military nerve gas.

”It has always been quite expensive to properly dispose of, until some aluminum industries with an overabundance of it (figured out how to sell it) at a 20,000% markup and inject it into public water supplies (at approximately 1 part-per-million). Since people only drink 0.5% of the total water supply, the rest simply goes down the drain as a free hazardous-waste disposal for the chemical industry. Sodium fluoride is the most violent protoplasmic poison known to science. The Library of Medicine’s data service on toxic substances rates fluorides 4-5 (very toxic to extremely toxic) on a scale of five.”

The best coverage of this subject in book form is ”The Fluoride Conspiracy” by Christopher Bryson. It’s a valuable piece of research.

There is a lot of opinion-forming done by various types of media. Some people know all about it, but others just believe what they’re told. And then movies like Lord of the Rings come along under the guise of fiction. But what if real things also happen like that. What if people are sold things that aren’t very healthy for them. What if pandemics come along that are just full of contradicitions, and have many vested interests involved in them. It all comes down to individual discernment. The ability to question is a really important quality.





15) healing is darn serious, and so are the enemies of healing …


If you’re like many people you’ve probably had mercury amalgam fillings. If not consider yourself lucky. The best thing to do with dental mercury is to have it removed safely. It should be replaced with a good-quality bio-compatible composite (the white filling).

Over time the mercury in the amalgam fillings leaches out into the body. Most dentists now are avoiding these fillings because they’re proven to be extremely toxic, not just for the client but also for the dentist who has to work around it.

Mercury-amalgam fillings are around 50% mercury by weight and volume. They’re not silver fillings. They contain a mix of silver, tin, nickel and other metals. Mercury is a powerful neurotoxin; it affects the central nervous system. It’s been found in other medical uses, such as in preservatives for vaccines.

The public assumes that if someone in a white lab coat says it’s OK, then it’s OK. The same way that sheep assumes that when the truck pulls up to take them away, they’re going to a fun sheep resort. Wisdom is tough to earn. Especially when that sheep-gate is open the whole time, and a lovely forest sits beyond.

Mercury ”evaporates” off the fillings when food is chewed. Very old mercury fillings are shown to have little or no mercury left, which means the mercury all went into the body. First hand accounts are good.

Mark Breiner, a healer-dentist with a book ”Whole Body Dentistry”, says: ”A patient of mine told me about the terrible health problems her young son was encountering. He would get so sick every few weeks that he would be unable to walk and had to be hospitalized. The doctors at the medical centre were able to confirm that there was something wrong with his immune system, but they did not know what was causing the problem. I asked my patient if any dental work had recently been done on the child. Sure enough a Pedodontist had placed amalgams and stainless steel (nickel) crowns in his mouth. I explained my suspicions to her, and she brought the child in right away. After I removed the metals from his mouth, the child recovered immediately. In the many years since this happened, he has never had a recurrence of his original problem.”

Breiner provides another example: ”When Tiffany was three, her Pedodontist recommended and placed amalgam fillings and stainless steel crowns in her mouth. Immediately following the procedure, this previously healthy, active toddler became ill and had a dramatic increase in her white cell count. For a full year, she did not gain a pound, suffered from recurrent fevers, low energy, and a diminished immune system. When she finally came to me, I recommended that she be tested, immunologically, for dental materials. She was found to be reactive to both mercury and nickel. We removed all the metals in her mouth, and she is now fine. The severe illness was simply a normal physical reaction to being poisoned by metals that the small child’s system simply could not handle.”

Personally, I was injured by mercury poisoning. I had all the amalgams taken out over time. It was a mistake, but no one knew. The symptoms were there but it wasn’t a simple matter of connecting them to the cause, which was mercury toxicity.

It’s essential for healers to look carefully into the connection between the teeth and symptoms which might appear elsewhere in the body. It’s been said that: ”The average dental amalgam filling contains about 750 to 1,000 milligrams of mercury. Place this much mercury into a ten-acre lake, and you cannot eat the fish from there.”

Mark Breiner says: ”It has been my experience in more than thirty years of practicing dentistry that, in cases of serious illness, the removal of mercury amalgam fillings often clears up a host of symptoms which may interfere with reaching an accurate medical diagnosis. Amalgam filling removal could very well become the single most important step in enabling your physician to help you get well.”

I hope this resonates with most people. The younger generations might be spared from mercury toxicity because amalgam is being phased out. Many dentists won’t go near it. But others continue to. To be optimally well, you have to start by getting rid of all your poison implants. But do it safely. There’s a recommended protocol for doing this. It has to be done right, or else you could have a toxic overload during the removal process.




16) the healing path can be a sunshiny thing ….


Before discussing how to safely remove dental mercury-amalgam poison implants, why not take a quick look at the current law books. The Canadian Criminal Code has a very interesting section that deals with poisons.

”Section 245. Every one who administers or causes to be administered to any person or causes any person to take poison or any other destructive or noxious thing is guilty of an indictable offense and liable:
(a) to imprisonment for a term not exceeding fourteen years, if he intends thereby to endanger the life of or to cause bodily harm to that person; or
(b) to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years, if he intends thereby to aggrieve or annoy that person. R.S., c. C-34, s. 229.”

This protection is written into the law of many countries. It has to be claimed with valor. It’s sitting there, waiting for folks to start using it to properly compensate for all the injuries they’re gotten from toxic care.




17) something everyone needs to have done …


There’s so much to gain from having really healthy teeth. I mentioned success earlier. That’s just one of the benefits. Probably the best benefit is that since the teeth and the body are so inter-connected, our overall health will definitely improve. Healthy teeth will certainly mean a much healthier body.

The way in which we remove dental mercury amalgam is very important. There’s a well-tested method called the Huggins Protocol. This is recognized across the dental industry. It was developed by Hal Huggins who was one of the great pioneers of safe healthy dentistry. It involves these basic steps:

1) Ideally, the client makes a plan with a health-conscious dentist.
2) This dentist is Huggins-certified or its equivalent.
3) The office has plenty of ventilation to catch all vapors.
4) There is plenty of air suction used along with water suction.
5) The dentist uses a good quality rubber dam and ensures that no residue escapes.
6) Oxygen masks should be available as an option.
7) The replacement restorations will be planned well in advance.
8) These will use only the best and most bio-compatible composite materials.

An unfortunate effect of amalgam-filled teeth is that they’ve been structurally weakened, sometimes quite severely, by the practice of removing healthy dental tissue to place the anchor. One of the first rules of medicine is that you never remove healthy tissue. Amalgam placement, as taught in the dental colleges even today (it’s part of the 2nd year curriculum) doesn’t use adhesives, so that to anchor it, a kind of base has to be created. This is done by removing healthy tissue, which compromises a tooth significantly, making it much weaker. We really have to know how incredibly dangerous some of the current dental college course content is. It’s being taught today under the guise of “good science”. It’s utterly barbaric, the teaching of legalized criminal assault.

Good composite restorations should restore a lot of the tooth’s strength. I had my mercury-amalgam fillings replaced while in Asia. There the dentists didn’t use the exact protocol, but they did take safety measures. The most important being the use of a good rubber dam along with a lot of suction, preferably by two assistants working together. And good ventilation.

There was a feeling of vast relief when I had this material taken out. I can’t describe it except that it was like a big weight being lifted from my shoulders. See for yourself, if you have amalgam. I recommend having it done as soon as possible. Then you can move on with the many other facets of dental healing. Removing toxic poisons from your body is the best investment you can ever make. Don’t delay. Take out a loan if you need to, but do it now. Do it for Asclepios. Do it for Yeshua, and for your happy future.




18) I found gold in Latin America …


I mentioned earlier how healing our teeth ought to be a fun and enjoyable experience. Cynics will let out a big guffaw over this. Dentistry should be fun? What planet are you on?

Well, that’s precisely the answer. What planet are we on? Where does it says that the healing process needs to be filled with dread? There’s a fundamental perception shift that needs to happen.

The reason that fear and dread have become the habitual experience in dentistry is that we’ve followed a “business as usual” approach. But that is not how healing happens.

Imagine looking forward to going to the dentist, and then having a pleasurable experience. Imagine knowing that your teeth are on the road to recovery. Imagine that the whole process of what’s going on is clearly explained to you, and that it all has to do only with healing your teeth. Imagine that your dentist is a kind and wise therapist in this process. Imagine that he or she has spiritual training. Imagine that money is secondary. Wouldn’t that be a wonderful way to run dentistry? In my opinion, it sure would.

This utopian vision is an important one to hold onto. It might seem like sheer lunacy at times, but bit by bit, things will change. You just need to hold onto the ideal, and let no other concept may its way into your focus. Dentistry will change, it will become a fabulous and enjoyable healing path, when enough people insist on it.

Until then, we have to work with what’s there. There is a growing number of holistic dentists, and some of them are really powerfully intentioned as healers. I have met at least two of these special, magical dentists.

One of them is in Costa Rica. She uses many naturopathic methods and tools. Everything in her office is non-toxic and bio-friendly. She removes dental amalgam in a safe way. Most importantly, she uses ozone as both a disinfectant and a healing agent. She knows.

Dentists like this one can be found with some diligent searching, and they’re worth their weight in gold. They actually care deeply about the long-term wellness of their clients. They care less about the money. They are the true artists. They bring much honor to their profession.





19) when you’re healing, you almost never feel afraid ….


The current state of dentistry is that there’s a lot of fear involved. Fear is not conducive to healing. It’s a primal instinctive response to a natural threat. The body sometimes feels fear even when the logic dictates that it shouldn’t. I have a theory about this.

Suppose you’re going to the dentist and you’re afraid even though you’ve been assured that all will be well. Your body might be trying to tell you something about healing. It might be saying “This is not going to good for your long-term wellness”, or “Stop, there’s a much healthier way to solve this problem”. Your logic overrules this because you’re believing in the “business as usual”. You need to examine your feelings to see what it is that you’re missing. Feelings run deeper than logic. Truth might be hidden down there. We need to listen better.

Try this. Imagine going to the dentist and feeling only calm and assuredness. What would this say about the experience you’re about to have? To me, it says that you’re doing the right thing. It says you’re listening to your feelings, and honoring them. You’re not rejecting or sublimating them. You’re not just saying “Get through this period of hell and then things will be better again”. It’s really your choice. You can “black out” and have a temporary hell experience, or you can claim that every medical and dental experience will be a calm and healing one.

It’s my opinion that very few dental procedures require dread and pain. Something like an extraction would, but that can be done painlessly as well. Most complex dental treatments provoke much dread (and that’s not even counting the financial dread) because they are simply not healthy in the long-term, and your wise body (your subconscious mind) is trying to communicate this truth to your logical mind.




20) alternative medicine could become a valuable new friend ….



How do we avoid the pain in dentistry? It’s a supreme irony that the method most often used to negate pain (anesthesia) itself requires a painful needle. Or does it?

Mark Breiner said: ”I began to seriously consider some of the techniques I had been taught in dental school, and to wonder whether they were, indeed, the best course of care for my clients. I decided it was important for me to learn Homeopathy as an adjunct to my dental practice. I found Homeopathy to be truly amazing. Without it, so many of my patients would have been forced into terrible treatment decisions. And while the use of Homeopathy in dentistry is generally applied in acute situations, a good biological dentist should be versed in its capabilities for chronic use and work in close connection with a fully trained Homeopathic specialist.”

”Homeopathic treatment is based on the Law of Similars, and the principle that ”like cures like.” Because the Homeopathic remedy is working at an energetic level, the effect, especially in an acute situation, is often very rapid. At all times Homeopathic remedies are non-toxic and safe. If the wrong remedy is given, there will be no healing reaction and no harm done to the patient.

”Homeopathy has a firm foundation. Suppressing symptoms (as used by western medicine) does not cure the underlying disease. According to Homeopathy, these beginning changes are vibrational in nature, and to treat them, Homeopathic remedies, which themselves are vibrational, are to be used.”

One woman used two Homeopathic substances for pain relief: Arnica Montana and Hypericum. These are well-known to Homeopaths and other traditional healers. Arnica is used to prevent infection, minimize shock to the system, reduce swelling, suppress hemorrhage, and often to calm the patient. It’s been claimed that Arnica 200C (a 200x dilution) is becoming common in dentists’ offices. This is a very interesting trend.

Hypericum is also known as St. John’s Wort. It’s an ancient and even magical pain inhibitor and all-round curing plant. It helps mood states and has antibiotic qualities.

The woman says: ”As long as I used a high potency of Hypericum every few minutes or so, the pain was gone within an hour. When it returned, I repeated the dosage. Within the first twenty-four hours, I took a dose every fifteen minutes. Hypericum is for extreme pain, particularly when a nerve is injured. The more extreme the nerve pain, the more specific Hypericum becomes. Hypericum also helps deter infection and calm the nerves. The cost of a bottle is twenty-two dollars.”

Mark Breiner says: ”Many of the symptoms currently being routinely treated with antibiotics could be more effectively alleviated with Homeopathic remedies at a tiny fraction of the cost. And these remedies are non-toxic and less invasive to the human system. Patients who regularly use non-toxic Homeopathic methods generally need less pain medication. Homeopathy is a highly effective, very safe option.”

There are good commercial anesthetics that don’t require needle injection. Some of them come in a gel, and can be used in extractions and other potentially painful procedures. They remove a lot of the dread.

The dentist works in an operatory, which to me doesn’t suggest healing. It suggests surgery. The chair is often tilted back in such a way that the client feels very vulnerable. Things like this should change.

If there’s clear and open communication about a treatment and all the alternatives, especially tyhe least invasive ones, have been explored, then a lot of the fear will vanish. There will be a sense of healing. You should never feel rushed. If you’re feeling very rushed then you’re probably making a decision you’ll later regret. Sometimes being rushed is because the dentist has to make a tee time. This doesn’t lead to healing.




21) doing less is usually doing much better ….


What if we could find the most ideal pain-free dentistry? Do you think it would be a healing dentistry? I do, because it’s the body that heals. Imagine all the problems that people have with their teeth. Some can be excruciatingly painful, like abscesses and advanced decay. These people do need surgery and they need it fast. Still, this kind of treatment can be healing.

A good dentist can do a mostly pain-free extraction, and having a diseased tooth pulled is nature’s way of correcting the situation. Teeth are not bonded to the jaw; they sit in their own sockets, and extraction is a viable option. That’s how nature designed it.

I’m not in favor of implants simply because I don’t feel that drilling into the jaw is healthy in the long-term. While it may offer short-term relief, the risks outweigh the benefits. Plus, the cost is exorbitant. I believe that the least impact is the best.

There’s a new kind of dentistry called Minimally Invasive, or MID. It’s growing fast because people are asking for it. The motivation for this kind of dentistry is explained by former dentist Frank Jerome, who says: ”I warn every person that there is much danger every time they enter a dental office. The dangers include almost every aspect of dentistry, from treatments recommended to the materials used.”

The MID approach is a philosophy of dental care. It promotes:
a) Dietary prevention (creating a healthy bio-flora in the mouth and body),
b) Effective and safe dental hygiene (baking soda; oil pulling), and
c) Minimally invasive restorations.

Tim Rainey, a Texas dentist, is a leading proponent. He says: ”MID has a very profound effect. Dental patients have found out about it like they did in alternative medicine.”

Rainey says that with right kind of prevention, 80% of all dental repair work can be avoided. He says that most dental work done today is about repairing previous dental work. O n the subject of dental amalgam, Rainey says: ”Besides being incredibly poisonous, mercury-amalgam also promotes almost certain cracking of teeth because of the weakening process. You end up with a whole series of iatrogenic (dentistry-caused) disasters.”

Rainey was asked where he learned his approach to Minimally Invasive Dentistry: ”Absolutely not in dental school, that’s for certain. From the very first moment in dental school where they showed us a video and said, ”Take a high speed drill and do this”, I went into full-blown rebellion. It wasn’t logical and it didn’t make any sense. You couldn’t convince me that that was good for the patient or good for the tooth. I went along with the flow as much as possible, but knew I’d have to find my own way of doing dentistry.

Rainey avoids using the high-speed drill. His practice uses a miniature air abrasion tip that’s precise and focused. Rainey doesn’t need a drill and says that no dentist needs one.

Minimally Invasive Dentistry could be the first stage of a nascent naturopathic dentistry. It sure looks like it. It took a dentist like Frank Jerome to warn the public that there is danger every time you walk into a dental office.




22) separating the business motive from the wellness motive …


I do some personal investigations from time to time. I mentioned how I sometimes walk into a random dental office and ask the reception “Do you do healing here?” I usually get a very puzzled look. So I repeat the question as often as needed. Once when I asked enough times, the receptionist just shrugged and said “I’m sorry but we’re not going to be the right fit for you.”

This showed me two things. One obviously, is that their priority might be to do good work, but the idea of healing might be outside their frame of reference. Another insight is that language becomes very important when you really know what you want. If you don’t really know what you want, then language hardly matters. But when you’re certain of what you need, then every word becomes a vital clue. And if they cannot speak your language, then they’re not going to be what you need.

Dental marketing is big on the term “smile”. The smile marketing has taken over the profession. Many dental offices now have “smile” in their brand name. To be clear, a smile is related to a happy emotion. It is not directly related to a biological treatment. They use “smile”, in fact, to make you feel scared and insecure, so that you’ll come in and get some work done. Regardless of whether that work is needed or not. “Smile” is a word that they scare you with. Do you agree?

A person who wants to heal dentally, like you and me, is really looking for substance. A lot of clever marketing is based on a sense of lack. The motivation to buy comes from a sense of lack. Healers have a sense of plenty about them.

On that note, a dental healer will view a term like “smile makeover” with extreme caution. It’s a huge warning flag. I’ve seen the result of this first hand. My next-door neighbor fell for it completely. He had bad teeth, but all teeth are saveable. He went in for a “complete smile makeover” initial treatment. Without telling me about it. When I saw him next, he had NO teeth left. That’s right, zero teeth. They had pulled them all out.

I tried to figure out what had happened. Naturally I was a bit emotional. He explained that they were soon going to install two new plates into his mouth, one on the top and one on the bottom. They would be screwed into his jaw bones. And then he’d have brand new synthetic teeth attached to these plates. I told him to slow down and start thinking a bit. Alas, the damage was done. Another one bit the marketing dust.

This neighbor eventually scrapped those plans for jaw-bone attached plates, and instead got some “sensible compromise” bio-compatible looking dentures. Well, that was better than the alternative. His teeth were gone but at least his jaw got saved. You take your victories whenever you can.

I have known of people who got “jaw-resetting procedures”, just because they were told that they had something like a “Class 3 malocclusion”. This is science talk for saying that someone has a somewhat protruding lower or upper jaw. SO WHAT! Let it be! Be thankful for life. These types of radical surgeries to reset an entire jaw can go terribly wrong. But people get talked into it.

One person I know of was in constant pain after such a procedure. And it was mostly done for vanity. Her looks were just fine before, but some professional just talked her into a major mistake. You have to feel for these people, but actually, they trusted the wrong people.

Do you know friends or neighbors who have been through episodes like this? Perhaps you’ve been through it yourself. Relax, there is always a healing solution no matter what. I’ve heard and read about some really dramatic horror stories of dentistry gone wrong. Very wrong. Some treatments have been done to people that should never have been done. Often, a sober second or third opinion was never sought. This is why we have to be as vigilant as ever.






23) every dentist has his own version of reality ….


Dental healing is like taking a mystery trip into a strange land. You don’t know how many hobgoblins you’ll run into. The only thing we know for sure is that we’re looking for healing, nothing else. The scenery might become downright strange and confusing, but we always know what we’re looking for.

German dentist Dr. Johann Georg Schnitzer says: ”One would be more justified in stating that the principal cause of dental decay are the dentists, and even prove it, because wherever there are many dentists, the dental health status of the population is significantly worse than where there are few dentists or none at all.”

A close friend had work done by a supposed “holistic dentist” but this dentist did not even know what an inter-proximal surface was. This is the surface between two teeth. He didn’t use the common matrix band at all. Which is a thin metal band to make the surfaces as smooth as possible. When he was finished his damage, my friend couldn’t floss between those teeth. She expressed surprise and dismay right in that chair. So he huffed and puffed and then got back to work making a kind of passage there for the floss. It was a bit of rough work also.

Still, the damage was done, because those interior surfaces were not smooth the way they should be, but were rough and pitted, as you might expect. This situation results in what is called “food traps”. These food traps lead to a quick onset of new cavities. There’s hardly any way such pitted rough surfaces can be kept clean of food residues. This work was done in a foreign country, so she is partly responsible for not being cautious enough. But it showed that any dentist can be grossly incompetent, and you’ll hardly know it until it’s too late.

The February 1997 edition of Reader’s Digest had an article by William Ecenbarger titled ”How Honest Are Dentists?”. It was an undercover investigation where Ecenbarger visited 50 different dentists that he chose at random out of the American yellow pages phone directories.

He presented each dentist with a recent set of dental x-rays, and he also said his dental expenses were ”completely covered by a direct reimbursement program” with his employer.

At the start of the investigation, his home-town dentist said: ”You need one crown on the tooth #30 (a molar) otherwise your teeth are fine”.

The first dentist he visited told him he needed ”five teeth crowned, including #30, plus additional work. The estimated cost was $3,110.”

The next dentist recommended: ”Five crowns”. The teeth needing these repairs were different from those singled out in the previous visit. The cost was slightly lower: $2,555.

The third dentist he visited said: ”Whoever has been working on your mouth really knows his stuff.” The fourth said he ”wanted to crown six teeth: #6 through #11 in the upper front (for cosmetic improvements) and #30 entirely.”

After an oral exam by one dentist, he was told: ”You need 11 crowns, plus other work. It will cost $8,347. Do this and you will have no worries about your teeth for the next 30 years.” This dentist added: ”By the way, you and I are going to become great friends.”

Some dentists wanted as little as $500 to ”bring him up to grade”, while others wanted ”ten, 20, even 50 times that amount”. Ecenbarger used the same ”direct reimbursement” line each time. He also gave these dentists a story that he was moving into the area and wanted to become a long-term client. Not the truth, but investigators need to set their traps.

One dentist took detailed photographs and then gave Ecenbarger two estimates, one for ”necessities” which was ”four crowns (and these didn’t include #30) for $2,617, and extra cosmetic work for another $8665. The total: $11,282.” This dentist said: ”If it’s covered, you may as well get the whole job so it’s done right.”

At one dentist he was told: ”Tell me what your insurance limits are, and we’ll proceed from there.” One dentist gave him an estimate of: ”a bare-bones approach, with absolutely no guarantees for the future, at a cost of $5,000… or ”ideally” crowning ALL 28 teeth for $13,440.”

(A crown is a very invasive procedure. It involves removing nearly all of what’s left of he healthy tooth down to a stump and then bonding an artificial tooth on top.)

In one dental office he was told: ”You need a full-mouth reconstruction, at a cost of $19,402.” Following this, he got an estimate of: ”17 crowns (But again, not including the #30 that his home dentist recommended) at a cost of $13,774”.

Ecenbarger’s final stop was in a large east coast city where he took the elevator to the top of a fancy high rise. ”I entered an impressive office – handsome furniture, art on the walls, oriental carpets on hardwood floors. Baroque music wafted from invisible speakers. The dentist was a trim, athletic man, and as he examined my teeth, he shook his head in displeasure. Finally, he sighed and invited me to a private conference room. “The news is not good, and you’re lucky you have insurance,” he said. He handed me a treatment plan that said I needed 21 crowns and veneer on six lower front teeth. It would cost $29,850.”

Later on, Ecenbarger invited some dental ”experts” to comment on the results. One of these said: “Dentistry is an art based on scientific knowledge, and what’s most important to all of us is that we each use our professional judgement to design what we believe is the best solution for the patient.” One could ask if most clients really want or need ”an art based on a science”. Or do they really just need healing?

We’re reminded of Frank Jerome warning that: ”It’s insider knowledge among the dental profession that up to 95% of all treatments are optional.”

Truly, we are free to reject any treatment plan. How do we know if it’s a bad one? Simple: Is it about healing? We actually should be designing our own treatment plan, based on our own diagnosis, and then presenting it to the dentist. We’re free to discuss alternatives. It’s our money and it’s our teeth. Who knows our teeth better than we do. We take our time and we make all the crucial decisions, and we never jump into a treatment based on what one dentist says. We seek out several opinions. We do this from a standpoint of confident knowledge.




24) an insider reveals some secret stuff …


People inside the dental profession can see a lot of stuff that would stun the average person. At the same time the average person is easily stunned because, well, they’re average. One woman who worked in a busy dental office decided to let the secrets out of the bag. Her office specialized in crowns and they made a fortune from this:

”You trust your dentist to tell you what you need to know, so that you can weigh your options.That’s fine if the dentist is completely impartial. Perhaps your dentist has resolved the conflict of interest inherent in running a business for profit and providing health care to an unsuspecting public.

”Over the years, dentists have received training from practice management firms and product manufacturers on how to sell more dentistry, sell treatment plans, and convince clients to commit to expensive lucrative treatment. They say ”It’s all OK since the patients need to get work done anyway, so why not sell patients on the most expensive treatment that you can.”

”It doesn’t seem to matter if the treatments are more invasive than necessary, they are convinced that it is justified because it is how lots of other dentists practice. It is ‘within the standard of care’.

”I was fired from an office where I worked because they said I wasn’t producing enough crowns. They said I was using burrs that are too small and not cutting away enough tooth structure, and I should do dentistry the way the owner boss did.

”Since each dentist has their own license that they are responsible for, I knew I had a right to practice according to how I was trained and my philosophy. So I told them that if they wanted me to do more crowns, then they should have the front office schedulers schedule more people for me that NEED crowns.

”For stable revenue, they just wanted me to cut some number of crowns per month whether I thought it was a necessary treatment or not. They did a lot of crowns at that office!

”That is the current culture in most dental offices. In some offices, the entire staff makes bonuses based on the money collected. So everyone is so nice to you, and tells you how great veneers will look. Or how great implants are and how bad partials are (they cost MUCH less by the way). Implants are a big money maker.

”This is all justified in their minds by the fact that you might actually need some dental care, so they ‘up sell’ and use fear and vanity to motivate you. They will tell you things are urgent, and the awful things that will happen if you don’t hurry up and get the treatment that the doctor has recommended for you.

”They will often have the dental hygienist repeat it, and the assistants as well. This is done to reinforce the ‘truthfulness’ effect. If you’ve heard it several times, ”it must be true”.. ”If you go for a second opinion, you are likely to land in a similar situation, but they might trash the other dentist’s treatment plan to get you to come to them for treatment. I’ve seen this happen! A true second opinion should be by someone with other options available. Take your time and get as many alternate views as you want. Any dentist that discourages this can be considered unprofessional.

”Even if you decide not to get care in a holistic office, I highly recommend seeking an opinion from such a dentist. They usually are lower key about telling you whatever you want to know and are usually more at ease about you taking your time making a decision.

”They usually will not act insulted or hurt if you choose to get the treatment elsewhere. It is your choice and the holistic community as a whole really gets this concept of freedom of choice and sovereignty over your body and your health.”

This is a serious confession. It’s all about the business motive. Maybe car repair shops do the same thing. We’re not sure. But there’s a big difference between someone taking a hammer to your drive train, and someone taking a drill to your body. Big difference. Your body doesn’t come with a product warranty either. If someone messes your teeth for profit, it’s damage done; there’s no going back.





25) a scary story that turned out all right …



Let’s go back to the mercury-amalgam subject for a moment. How did they start putting poisons into people’s mouths and calling it dental care? They could have used porcelain like in the ancient times. But they went with a toxic poison instead. And since dentistry is legally a monopoly profession, the common people had no choice.

Lisa Marie Presley, daughter of Elvis, had a long-term episode. “My body started to deteriorate. I started to have panic attacks. I went through two years of baffling every doctor from East to West Coast. I had everything. This was when the tabloids said I tried to kill myself or something like that. We settled out of court. But anyway, I wound up in the hospital.

I had everything happening; my body completely fell apart. And nobody knew what the hell was wrong with me. I was absolutely falling apart, physically and emotionally, for a two-year period. It was the constant physical breakdowns that were going on that I didn’t understand. I really thought I might not make it. It was just non-stop.”

As a last resort, Lisa Marie went to a Homeopathic doctor. A Homeopath is a special kind of naturopath who works with energy agents” diluted in concentrations of pure water. Lisa Marie told him all her symptoms.

The Homeopath asked Lisa Marie to open her mouth. He quickly summarized the situation. The same thing that had baffled all the expensive mainstream doctors. He advised her to get her fillings removed as quickly as possible, and she did.

“Once I started to get it out, it all stopped.” She realized that her extreme symptoms were caused directly by the mercury-amalgam fillings, compounded by work stress.

She says: “Mercury can make you go crazy. That term ‘mad as a hatter’ comes from mercury: people working in felt factories and going crazy. They try to say mercury is safe, but it’s the second-deadliest poison known to man, underneath plutonium, and they actually place it in people’s teeth.”

On an individual basis, one of the problems with a powerful neurotoxin like mercury is that the person can’t objectively figure out why they are feeling so bad. Mercury poisoning is closely linked with a wide range of serious maladies, all of which include the neuro-muscular type of disabilities.

A neurotoxin will affect the judgement, so the person won’t have a solid grip on the source of illness. It’s a very insidious type of poison. It could take people many years before they ”wake up” to the fact that their dental fillings are behind many of their health issues. Dental healers are doing much more than healing their teeth; they’re healing their entire bodies. What a superb investment.





26) what happens when your tooth is filled …



If someone has a physical injury, they go to a doctor and then get a treatment, and over time the injury should heal. But with teeth, the injury just sits there. That’s the problem with dental enamel; while it’s super hard, it’s the only part of the body that won’t regenerate on its own. Thus, dental healing requires special techniques.

Ultimately, we have to work around the brittle enamel, we have to supplement it. We need to get the dentin layer to harden and replace it. Dentin is a living tissue that forms a hard player if needed. One of the primary challenges in healing our teeth is to keep healthy the enamel that is remaining. Once it’s gone, it’s really gone.

The composite (white) fillings being used today are a good replacement for enamel. They’re mostly non-toxic and the newer ones last quite a long time. If you know the language of composite fillings really well, you’ll be able to discuss the best restoration plan with your dentist very easily. The dentist in turn will likely be super pleased that tou know your stuff.

The first thing the dentist does in a restoration is remove the caries (the decay). Most of the time, unless specifically asked not to, the dentist uses a high-speed drill. As I’ve described, the drill can cause excessive heat and fracturing of the matrix structure of the enamel. There are many alternatives to drills.

Once the cavity is cleaned of decay, it should be disinfected with ozone, or by laser. This is only occasionally done. I have no idea why. Disinfecting the site with a natural ozone treatment is very fast and very effective.

The dentist then uses an etcher (40% phosphoric acid) which makes the surfaces porous. This is so the adhesive can bond well. The actual composite restoration material is a combination of organic epoxies and plasticized fillers. It’s normally premixed in a tube.

The composite is applied in thin layers. Each layer is light-cured. The material hardens under exposure to certain wavelengths of light. The light can only penetrate a certain thickness, so it’s essential that the dentist knows the correct layer thickness of composite. If it’s too thick, it won’t cure properly. Then later on you’d have a “failed restoration”.

Composite restorations are known as ”technique intensive”. Good skill is required to shape it just right. The dentist needs to avoid: 1) trapped air pockets, 2) water, and 3) too thick an application. All of this requires good technique. The dentist needs to make every surface smooth, including the inter-proximal (between the teeth) ones. Rough composite surfaces will result in “food traps”, which lead to early re-decay.

One composite maker says: ”Our product is an oligomer matrix of dimethacrylate-monomers (TEGMA, UDMA / urethane dimethacrylate, HDDMA)”. Sure, OK. This is advanced material science.

The finished composite restoration should have: 1) hardness and durability, 2) a tooth-like flexibility (which is called the ”elastic modulus”) and 3) an excellent seal at the margins. Dentists need to shape it so that the biting surface is ideal.

There’s a concern over the presence of BPA’s (Biphenyl-A-Glycidyl) in composite materials. BPA’s are petroleum-based plastics. There are other types of epoxies. One dentist explains: ”BPA’s and related compounds are released mostly when the composite filling is first done and chemically or light cured (hardened), and then drops off rapidly after that to almost nothing for the duration of the life of the composite filling.”

The Living Network website says: ”We believe the most bio-compatible filling composite is DiamondLite Restorative Material. Don’t merely rely on the dentist who will most likely tell you that any white composite material he uses is safe and metal-free.”

There’s a scale used to grade dental materials on safety and non-toxicity. The scale used by ADA/ANSI in biological testing is 0 to 5: where 5 is toxic and less than 2 is considered acceptable. ZERO shows no sign of cytotoxicity or reactivity and is rated excellent.”

Tim Rainey, a trailblazer for safe and healthy dentistry, says: ”It’s absolutely useless to try to sell (the healthiest products) to the dentists. You can’t sell it to them. There are only about five percent of the dentists out there who are out on the cutting edge that have anything. The rest of them finally get in line whenever they feel threatened within their practice. They’re humans; it’s how many people function. The only way (the healthiest methods will be implemented) is when people say ”I want this for me. I want this for my child. I want to find a dentist who is willing to provide this service.” That’s the bottom line. Then the dentists all jump in line.”

Very large companies are involved in the composite marketplace. These include 3M and Mitsui. Dentists face many choices. Grandio is made by Voco, a German company. The Venus Diamond line is made by Heraeus Kulzer which is now a division of Mitsui.

The best dental restoration is the one that doesn’t have to be placed. This way you save a trip to the dentist and some hard earned funds. You also save the dreadful sight of a needle and the dreadful sound of a high-speed drill.

For more pronounced dental problems, the situation involves minimizing the damage, while doing all you can to save the tooth. Saving a tooth means that you have a living part of you. If it’s more convenient for a dentist to kill a tooth (with a root canal) it could mean that you need a better dentist. Every dentist will have their own view of the ideal trajectory for enhancing a tooth or making it once again useful.

The holistic dentist will be much more keen to do everything possible to save a tooth. Since dental work is cumulative and work done on teeth is usually irreversible, it really pays in every way to have the least work done that’s necessary. This way you allow the tooth to heal on its own, which it will do if given the right conditions.





27) road-work is not something you need done inside your mouth …


The high-speed drill must be one of the most anxiety-producing features of dentistry. There won’t be much argument about this. But is it even necessary? What if it’s not even necessary to drill into the teeth with a powerful mechanical device. What if?

The high-speed drills that dentists use today rotate at up to 40,000 RPM. That’s so fast that it literally melts all tissue. Dentists are well trained to use them. But to be honest, while these drills are a great convenience for the dentists, allowing them to remove unwanted decay and tooth materials very fast, the side effects are not widely discussed. These side effects (besides the anxiety, which is the body’s way of sending a message) include heat and vibration which are not healthy for the dental enamel. The drilling is obviously very invasive and has all the features of surgery. Why should surgery be required for healing?

One naturopath says: ”The dental drill is an example of a friction-based technology, which generates heat, vibration and sound. These are damaging and non bio-resonant. Dental enamel is composed of crystalline calcium hydroxy apatite. Placing a dental drill into a crystalline tooth is like taking a pneumatic drill to a plate of glass.”

According to dentist Rod Whitehead, the older lower-speed drill doesn’t damage good tooth structure nearly as much. Whitehead says the high-speed type “rips through everything.”

Now comes the challenge. Asking your dentist to forego drilling and to use a gentler method is going to take some serious persuasion. Dentists don’t like to waste time on slow things. Time is important to them. They’re very much used to their high-speed drills. In fact there several good alternatives which sure enough produce very little or no anxiety:

1) air-abrasion (using pressure-driven sandpaper-like particles),
2) dental lasers (there are soft and hard-tissue dental lasers),
3) various chemical gels that soften the corrupted dental tissue easy scraping (such as Carisolv), and
4) traditional manual scraping using a ”dental excavator” hand-tool (used in Atraumatic Restoration Therapy).

Each of these drill alternatives are capable at removing decayed dental tissues to prepare a tooth for a composite filling “restoration”. Most dentists are reluctant to use them unless they are forced to.

Wait. As a dental healer, you are the boss. The dentist is working for you, not the other way around. You’re paying the bill, and you direct what he does. Seriously.

Healing is done by the body, not through external interventions. Fancy work by a dentist will not heal that tooth. You’re own body’s process is what heals it. Healing dentally must feature non-traumatic methods. High anxiety is not a part of healing. This is a challenging subject, and it should be. You’re going to face a lot of resistance from your dentist if you insist that mechanical! It never was and never will be. To heal is to know that your body is being helped.

Stop and yourself what’s more important, your own healing, or your dentist’s convenience? There is no compromise here. If your dentist is not genuinely healing minded, then all you’re going to do is argue with him for no result. Are you willing to be firm in what you know is true? This is the Rubicon, and you cross it only once.




28) decay can be removed safely …


Mechanical drilling is a feature of the mechanical view of dentistry, where teeth are isolated objects to be sculpted with high technology. It’s a view brought on by four years of very focused dental college that basically ignores what lies beyond the teeth. Such as: an entire interconnected body.

Am I being fair and objective to the dental profession? I think so. The dental profession continues to refer to the mouth as “the oral cavity”. The only problem is that it’s anything but a cavity. It’s a living passage. There’s a food passage. There’s an air passage. There are many very complex nerve passages. And the kicker: In the esteemed ancient Eastern medicine, there are crucial and fundamental energy passages as well. These energy qualities are fundamental to TCM. They’ve been known about for thousands of years.

So to speak of the mouth as an oral cavity is really to display the grossest ignorance. But then, we already know that dental colleges ignore the rest of the body entirely. The dental colleges do and teach a lot of very questionable stuff. And according to many graduates, such as Tim Rainey, the students are highly discouraged from questioning the process.

Dental colleges continue to teach the placement of highly toxic mercury, ignoring that it’s a powerful poison against the entire system. These dental colleges congratulate themselves often. They have year-end dinners where the faculty members give out awards to each other. The students meanwhile are told to listen and to memorize. Not to question.

So back to the mechanical drill. The high-speed drills are made up of a compressed-air driven hand-piece and removable tips called ”burs”. The burs are in different shapes according to need. They’re usually made of a tungsten carbide alloy, and have been known to chip off during drilling.

By comparison, air-abrasion uses compressed air to send a stream of fine particles to area of the tooth compromised by decay. Dental air-abrasion is a small small sandblaster which safely removes the unwanted material. It seems to have no harmful side-effects.

More dentists are starting to use it. They see the benefits. They also see the uptick in customer enthusiasm. Bottom line: there’s little or no trauma involved. Plus, there’s no longer the need for an anesthetic needle injection because the process is painless.

Air abrasion is difficult when treating severe decay. It’s a good thing when it comes to preserving the existing tooth. The ”sand” material commonly used for air-abrasion is an aluminum silicate. However there is a much healthier choice, and that is pure baking soda.

Tim Rainey says: ”When they first developed the sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) prophylaxis air abrasion unit, the one that we use for polishing teeth, one of the first things they noticed was how it suppressed the pathogenic microbial flora for up to three months.” Baking soda has a beneficial pH value and it helps balance the oral health.

One of the best features of air abrasion for preparing dental restorations is that it doesn’t have to be done by a “full-pay” dentist. It can be done in a dental hygiene clinic or by a dental assistant. It’s very low impact.

The air-abrasion manufacturer Danville says: ”Air abrasion is silent, fast, and cost effective. It produces no burning odors, no hand-piece whine, no vibration, no pressure and no heat. Multiple quadrants can be treated in a single visit and most often it can be use without any local anesthetics. Dental air abrasion can be used in virtually all the same processes that the traditional drill is used in.”

Jimmy Chan is a Vancouver dentist who uses air abrasion regularly. He says: ”Air-abrasion generates no heat, no sound, no pressure, and no vibration. If the cavity being treated is shallow, there may be no need for pain-treatment. Air-abrasion preserves the healthy tooth structure.”

Air abrasion needs to be developed for as many dental restoration applications as possible. James McKenzie is a dentist in Whistler Village BC, and he says: ”Air-abrasion is ultra-conservative. It only removes decayed tooth. The particle stream that does the cutting is engineered for correct velocity, size, and hardness to only remove soft structure. It only scratches the hard and sound tooth structure which enhances the bonding; a win-win. The abrasive particles are carried in a stream of water.”

KaVo Company (Kaltenback & Voigt) was a very innovative German company which made high-quality air-abrasion devices. They also made laser diagnostic pens which were remarkably accurate and effective compared to the “old school prod and poke” with metal instruments. This company however has been bought out by a large American investment firm. The Chinese will no doubt be making these innovative dental technologies. The pricing will be very competitive.

The high speed dental drill needs to be avoided. Teeth are a long term investment. They are living objects and they need to be treated with care. Every tooth can be saved.





29) pure focused light has many uses …


Dental lasers are an innovation that needs to grow into its own. It holds tremendous promise for healing teeth effectively, because the laser also cauterizes and disinfects.

I’ve had experience with a dental laser, used on the gum line, and admittedly, it was hot. There was some pain there. But it wasn’t traumatic. There are soft tissue lasers which do gum treatments and hard tissue lasers that do cavity preparations.

Richard Hansen is a dentist who uses lasers almost exclusively. He says: ”If the decayed area is small, anesthetic may not be required. The laser which is used to remove the decay produces no vibration or excess heat which would cause discomfort or pain, and it can be targeted with pinpoint accuracy. It doesn’t harm any adjacent vital tooth structure. The laser also disinfects the treated area much more thoroughly than any chemically-based compound can.”

”Once the composite restoration is hardened and fused to the tooth, it actually becomes a part of the tooth. The tooth is then restored to its original beauty and strength, so that normal biting and chewing forces will not affect or weaken it. The tooth has not been weakened or distorted by the traditional “drill and fill” method. The laser filling compound and the way it’s fused to the tooth helps to preserve the tooth’s natural “structural integrity” for biting and chewing functions.

”The procedure is more pleasant and less stressful to the patient. The extremely low failure rate of these fillings (much, much lower than any other filling method now available) means that future dental treatments on teeth treated this way may never be needed. Another benefit of the laser filling procedure is its bio-compatibilty, and the way it protects and preserves the oral immune system and ultimately the body’s immune system.”

Hansen warns about how drilling can harm teeth: ”Dental lasers only remove the decayed part of a tooth, whereas the dental drill always destroys good tooth structure while it drills out decay. The savings of good tooth structure can be up to 40-50%. Such a saving translates into keeping one’s teeth for life.

”Other advantages of the laser are often a reduced need for anesthetics, especially if the decay has not penetrated into the dentin, and the sterility factor, which precedes any vaporization of decay. The drill cannot, absolutely cannot, sterilize. In fact, the drill pushes bacteria deeper into the tooth. The laser on the other hand provides a natural sterilization which allows the tooth to heal properly.”

Hansen’s practice has a ”Restoralase” that’s used with larger restorations. It uses 3-D imaging to create a fully bio-compatible inlay (onlay), using another laser to fuse and bond it to the tooth.

Hansen has an innovative treatment is where he saves people from having root canal procedures. This is an incredibly valuable finding because it should save people a lot of needless suffering from an unhealthy procedure. With this treatment, Hansen uses the dental laser to clean and disinfect the inner areas of the tooth which are actually repairable. He is actually saving good teeth this way.

Hansen claims that living viable tissue in the pulp and dentin along with adequate oxygen can promote a tooth to heal itself without drastic action. It’s a huge factor for saving living teeth from being killed by a root canal procedure.

When it comes to dental cleanings, Hansen says: ”Traditional cleanings cut and scrape around the immune membranes of the teeth, and subject the mouth and body to the millions of infectious microbes that exist around the teeth. Our laser method cleans and disinfects teeth without infecting the surrounding oral tissue or the body, and is a much kinder, gentler procedure.

”In addition to the laser, an ultrasonic scaler is used, in which ultra-high-frequency sound waves are used to vibrate scale and plaque off of the teeth. A high-pressure water spray with sea-salt is also used to rinse off the teeth and gum area after the cleaning, leaving the teeth disinfected, free of plaque and scale build-up, and feeling clean and fresh, all without exposing the oral area and the body to infectious agents.”

Ultrasonic toothbrushes can now be bought online. Their prices are coming down. This brushing can use baking soda for best results. Dentists like Hansen are unusual in that they break from the rote methods of the profession and actively seek out ways to heal teeth while treating them. Dentists like this tend to take this extra training at their own expense, because they’re determined to do only healthy dentistry.

Hard-tissue dental lasers are expensive; around $100,000. One brand is WaterLase, made by Biolase. The company slogan is: ”THE DREAM: No Drill & No Needle Dentistry”.

Biolase holds several patents in dental laser applications. They figured out which frequencies of light work best, and at what power. They put together the various crystals and components to make the most efficient dental laser. The company website says: ”The toughest hurdle was finding the best wavelength to cut more efficiently and with the greatest clinical benefits.

After years of testing, Biolase discovered that a unique crystal made of erbium, chromium, yttrium, gallium and garnet (Er,Cr:YSGG), with a wavelength of 2,780 nanometres (nm) produced the most efficient laser. This unique wavelength, combined with a highly sophisticated water spray resulted in the WaterLase. This results in little or no need for anesthesia and is significantly less traumatic to the tooth than a high speed drill.”

The focused light of the lasers affects mostly water-permeated tissue, and seems to be kind to dental enamel. Solea is also in the dental laser market and the company says: Our dental laser is vibration-free, virtually noiseless and nearly painless, creating an entirely new experience. Solea obviates the need for drills and scalpels in the majority of procedures, the first step to creating a dread-free practice.”

Drill-free dentistry is definitely a part of the quest for healing dentistry. Dental drills are one of the half-dozen ”very bad guys” of dentistry. Dentistry will have to find the ”guts” to drop this practice. Just as it is now doing by phasing away from toxic mercury.

A basic summary of dental lasers:

1) the enamel has a good potential for bonded restorations because its surface is ideally etched.

2) bacteria and other pathogens are ”cauterized” more effectively.

3) a good ”hemostasis” is achieved, which means healthy surrounding tissue requires much less in follow-up sutures or other surgical treatments.

4) any diseased tissue can be disinfected and detoxified.

5) the light wavelengths work with healing tissue rather than against it.

6) dentists as well as hygienists and assistants can be easily trained in the use of dental lasers.

Lasers are part of the healing toolkit. It’s now a matter of using them optimally.




30) a primitive method that could be the best …


Good art is always appreciated, but there’s a kind of ART that should be known about by healers. It’s Atraumatic Restoration Therapy. Guess what, it’s ultra simple. It’s about using basic hand tools for dental treatments and it doesn’t require any electricity. Sounds idyllic. But does it work? It does work.

ART was designed to be used in remote and primitive villages that don’t have electric power. The treatment of cavities by the ART method can be done by any trained personnel. You don’t need four years of dental college to learn how to treat teeth with ART.

ART uses the traditional ”spoon excavator” that scrapes off dental decay to prepare a healthy composite restoration. There are also various chisels that do specialized shaping. Dentists have always had these tools, they simply don’t use them because high-speed drills are faster.

Dental laser pioneer Richard Hansen says: ”In many instances the excavator (in a few seconds) removes decay, preparing a tooth for a filling, without damaging good tooth structure, without pushing bacteria deeper into the dental tubules, and without the trauma associated with the use of dental drills.”

Dental assistants and hygienists can easily be trained to do the ART method. Which means you don’t need to hire an expensive dentist if you want to offer ART to people in your own new dental healing clinic. ART is non-threatening, not painful therefore does not need anesthesia, does not use expensive electrically driven equipment and can be provided at low cost. All the tools can be carried in a small bag.

The idea here is how ART is a wonderful accessory to the toolkit of dental healing. There are many great features of ART that are applicable to healing, most notably, its focus on low invasiveness and on using simple healthy materials.




31) decay removal doesn’t need to elicit pain …


It’s very good to know that there are additional pain-free, drill-free solutions available. There’s a dental gel called Carisolv. The gel is applied to the decayed area. It sits for 30 seconds while it softens up the damage for easy removal. There’s no need for either anesthetic or drilling. Hand-tools are used for the restoration preparation and application.

Imagine that. The dental decay is removed and the tooth is primed for a restoration, and two of the most traumatic and dreadful features of dentistry – the anesthetic needle and the high-speed drill – are not used. This is serious.

Carisolv has shown good results where the treatment is close to the nerve. “Carisolv is a chemo-mechanical method ideal for use on most types of carious lesion. The method is minimally invasive and affects only the carious part of the tooth. As a result, the teeth last longer, the risk of complications is reduced and patient comfort is enhanced. The removal of caries with the new gel takes an average of 5 minutes.”

I need to keep this one short. James Patterson is a huge selling author, and all of his books have super short chapters. I’m not sure about James Patterson’s teeth though. It’s probably best not to ask.

What if by some kind of magic, dentistry never had to use sharp needles or high-speed drills anymore. Could our teeth be just as healthy? I’m pretty sure they would be much healthier. The only way to really find out is to start this new kind of dentistry.




32) your new bookshelf …


This is a list of books that deals with the healing of our teeth:

1) Holistic Dental Care, by Nadine Artemis
2) Whole Body Dentistry, by Mark A. Breiner
3) Cure Tooth Decay, by Ramiel Nagel
4) Oil Pulling Therapy, by Bruce Fife
5) The Tooth Truth, by Frank Jerome
6) Root Canal Cover-Up, by George E. Meinig
7) All Natural Dental Remedies, by Angela Kaelin
8) Mouth Matters, by Carol Vander Stroep, RDH
9) Les Dents: Temple de LÁme (Teeth: the Temples of the Soul) in French, by Estelle Vereeck
10) Hydrogen Peroxide – Medical Miracle, by William Campbell Douglass

These books are amazing because they deal with a subject that is hardly covered anywhere: dental healing!

Some of these books are pretty good. I especially like the ones by Breiner, Jerome, and Vereek, because these are all working dentists. At least Estelle Vereek was a working dentist, until she was jailed for providing healing treatments outside the scope of “accepted dental practice”. She was jailed and her license was revoked. That’s why healing can be a very tough profession. She has good company: Asclepios and Yeshua.

On the net, some websites offer remarkable value when it comes to dental healing advice. At the top of the list would be Joseph Mercola and his interviews with Tim Rainey. Other web-based dental healing experts include Lawrence Wilson and Robert Nara.

Nadine Artemis is on the shelves of the big-box bookstores. She’s almost the only one I found there. Nadine describes a long list of toxic ingredients found in many of the commercial toothpaste bands:

1) fluoride (a proven neurotoxin; basic ingredient of rat poison)
2) propylene glycol (an automotive antifreeze)
3) FD&C colour pigments (unnecessary chemical agents)
4) Triclosan (a dangerous pesticide)
5) artificial sweeteners (unnecessary, sometimes petroleum-based)
7) ethanol (a petroleum solvent)
8) detergents and surfactants (foaming agents that damage skin)
9) trisodium phosphate (an industrial degreaser)
10) glycerin (an artificial thickener)
11) calcium (used as an abrasive)
12) flavorings (often synthetic petroleum-based derivatives)
13) carbomer (a gasoline polymer used to thicken)
14) hydrated silica (used as an abrasive)
15) carrageenan (another thickener)

Most shoppers aren’t aware that there’s Agent Orange (Triclosan) in big-brand toothpaste. The brand is Colgate Total. Artemis says: ”One of the most important steps in dental self-care is to stop using all commercial products and replace them with salt, baking soda, a dry toothbrush, and botanical remedies that can begin the healing process.” Now those are fighting words!

Artemis has a chapter on the mercury-amalgam criminal-assault process. She asks: ”Why would anyone allow such a dangerous poison to be used in dentistry for so long?” She is far from being the only one asking this question. But it’s almost like asking “Why does evil exist?”

Artemis puts a special focus on botanical remedies, such as: 1) sea buckthorn berry, 2) tea tree, 3) thyme linalool, 4) cardamon, 5) cayenne, 6) cinnamon, 7) clove, 8) mastic, 9) neem, 10) oregano, 11) peppermint, and 12) rose otto. These herbs are all well known to ancient healers.

Books like these could serve as the opening curriculum for Naturopathic Dentistry. Like its counterpart in medicine, it would provide valuable ancient and modern remedies. Yes, there’s a lot of opposition to this from the business side of medicine, but that’s to be expected. The business side reacts to profits being threatened. If we can figure out how to tame that beast and turn it into an ally, we’ll be in genius territory. We have to broaden the good solid knowledge of dental healing. We can design an entire curriculum on it if we really want to.





33) the ancient medicine before synthetics …


There are two currents of medicine and healing that run side by side throughout history. One is the mainstream (business-based) model and the other is the alternative naturopathic model.

The latter in India is known as Ayurveda, and it’s very ancient. Ayur means living, and Veda means wisdom and knowledge, living knowledge. “Life is fundamentally a field of intelligence and pure knowledge”, says the Ayurvedic text Charaka Samhita. Plant-based medicines are derived from roots, leaves, fruits, barks and seeds, and they’re the foundation of natural healing paths.

An Ayurvedic approach to oral health was studied in detail by A. Singh and B. Purohit in ”A Review of Holistic Approaches to Oral Health”. At the forefront of the study is the mizwak stick. The use of mizwaks is ancient. It’s a twig from the Arak (Peelu) tree which works as a toothbrush after the end is frayed. It’s anti-bacterial in a completely natural way. All of the Arabian countries plus much of Africa knows about mizwaks.

The Neem tree is another ”toothbrush tree” from India. Neem extract is now a staple healing oil for healers. Neem was used in a test alongside commercial toothpastes and came out far ahead when it came to removing plaque effectively. That’s quite a surprise. These tooth-brushing twigs are worth some serious investigation from dental healers.

Oil pulling is another ancient remedy for teeth. It’s done by swishing one or two tablespoons of a good organic oil, such as sesame, coconut, or sunflower. You swish for 15 to 25 minutes (best on an empty stomach) and then spit it out. “Organic, unrefined, cold pressed oils preserve the life force of the oil as much as possible.”

Signh and Purohit say: ”Oil pulling is claimed to cure around 30 systemic diseases.” If true, then that’s a lot of healing power there. Oil therapy is said the be both preventative and curative. It’s also so simple. It is said to not only clean the oral environment but assist overall physical health as well. Oil pulling will also cure halitosis (foul breath).

Amla is called the ”Indian gooseberry”. It’s an astringent, and according to Ayurveda: ”It promotes longevity and induces nourishment. It deserves every praise, as it prevents the effects of age more than any other drug. It alleviates all varieties of ailments, and imparts strength to the intellect and the senses.”

Amla is used to rebuild oral wellness. Bilberry fruit (Vaccinium Myrtillus) and Hawthorn berry (Crateagus Oxycanthus) stabilize collagen, strengthening the gum tissue. Licorice root (Glycyrrhiza Glabral) promotes anti-cavity action, reduces plaque, and has an antibacterial effect.”

Bilberry is well-known in Europe as a natural vision-improver. Pilots used bilberry jams before long flights, knowing it would help them fly safely a long time. Licorice root is legendary for its dental medicinal benefits.

Singh and Purohit say: “In southern India, mango leaf is widely used for cleaning teeth. A fresh mango leaf is washed and the midrib is removed. Leaf is then folded lengthwise with glossy surfaces facing each other. It is rolled into a cylindrical pack. One end of this pack is bitten off 2-3 mm to create a raw surface which is rubbed on the teeth. The pack is held between the thumb and the index finger. At the end, the midrib, which was first removed, is used as a tongue cleaner. Mangiferin is a compound present in mango leaves. It has significant antibacterial properties.”

In northern climates, a large indoor mango plant might be a great addition. If no local nurseries carry mangos, then a good large mango placed in potted soil would start the process. The leaves could be cropped carefully and added to the dental healing kit.

Other plant medicinals mentioned by Singh and Purohit include yellow dock root, alfalfa leaf, cinnamon bark, and turmeric root.

Singh and Purohit do issue a warning: ”50% of commercial drugs have serious adverse effects not detected prior to their approval. A large number of people are sufficiently injured by prescription drugs annually that they require hospitalization. The incidence of serious and fatal adverse drug reactions (ADRs) in modern hospitals is a serious concern.”

It’s pretty amazing that there already exists so much knowledge of the ancient type on dental healing. This valuable wisdom tends to get steamrolled by commercial power. The knowledge has actually been around for thousands of years. It’s more a process of uncovering and rediscovering than anything else. These ancient remedies also tend to be so easy and comfortable compared to the pain and dread so often associated with modern dentistry.




34) finding the ideal minerals for dental repair …


Dental enamel is an organic tissue, but it’s not a living tissue any longer. It’s like the outer fingernails. Once enamel is made by the dentin layer beneath it, it’s the toughest most durable substance in the body. Yet, it can’t repair itself. Once you damage enamel, it stays damaged.

This has profound implications for how we can heal ourselves dentally. It sets the rules for the game.

If enamel was a normal living tissue, it could heal the same as other tissues in the body. However, enamel being the rigid compound it is, has to be repaired by adding on layers of new substance on top of the existing enamel substance. Dental researchers know this. They are keenly trying to come up with new methods for adding on a new layer of “enamel-like substance” from the outside.

Every composite filling is a substitute for enamel. It mimics enamel as closely as possible. It has elastic modulus, meaning it absorbs stress from biting and chewing. However, composites are still glued on. Yes the adhesive is super strong, like the commercial crazy glue. But it’s still a glue.

What if we could bond a great enamel like substance right on top of damaged enamel without using glue? But by bonding it with a kind of matrix adhesion. Where the two substances would bond on their own. This is the direction that a lot of dental material research is taking. It takes into account the fact that enamel is not smooth, but is composed of a complex crystalline surface with room for attaching a synthetic there.

Dental healing has key words like remineralization. This is where the tooth heals from two directions: the Fluid Transport System (inner) and the saliva (outer). The inner pathway is a pretty sure thing. Because you’re replenishing the inner pulp and dentin layers, which in turn can harden and form what’s known as secondary or tertiary dentin which becomes as hard and strong as normal enamel. The inner healing pathway depends on good nutrients coming from the body. This is why good diet is so important.

The outer pathway, that of saliva-based remineralization, is a different creature altogether. Saliva plays the essential role of keeping the mouth clean of harmful bacteria. It coats the teeth with a beneficial biofilm. In a sense it remineralizes the teeth, but it’s not actually new tooth structure.

For new tooth structure to happen from the exterior, you would need special formulas that would lay down new enamel. This is being tried on many fronts. There have been stories of amazing healings of the teeth. However, what invariably happens is that the damage is halted first. That’s the start. The decay process is stopped. Existing decay becomes neutralized without a dentist. Strong healing oils have been used. Oregano is thought to be the best. The decay is stopped and the dentin layer begins to produce a new layer of enamel-like substance which is strong enough to take the place of enamel.

The process I’m describing is anecdotal and has yet to be verified by any mainstream science. It’s where healing and magic meet up. It’s the outer fringe of healing where all possibilities exist and where miracles happen. You have to check out of the game to find where this happens. However, people regularly stop pain and stop the progress of decay without going to dentists. They use healing potions and allow the tooth to come up with its own remediation.

Let’s not forget that teeth are smart, on their own level. They actually do want to heal and to be well. They have intelligence. We must never forget this. We have to work with this basic impulse. If we don’t respect our teeth and the intelligence that makes them work, what good will it do on our healing path? We must respect our teeth’s ability to self-heal on whatever level works best.

It’s tough when we have a super-hard durable substance like enamel that cannot regrow itself. We need to be ingenious and come up with alternative means. This can be done. Remineralization is a broad term that means “new enamel”. Whether it comes from outside or inside, this is how our teeth will heal themselves.






It’s always easy to run to the dentist. Just make a call and schedule an appointment. But there’s really no healing involved there. It’s just passing the problem onto someone else. To heal is to take full responsibilitry for the situation, and then to make intelligent decisions. This is infinitely more rewarding.

Ulla Schmid of the Healing Teeth Naturally website says: ”Remineralizing means forming new hardened enamel. Such remineralization or “glazing over” of teeth is most reliably achieved by a dietary change or adaptation. A nutrition rich in minerals, trace elements, vitamins and various phytonutrients combined with the avoidance of all refined and other damaging foodstuffs, especially sugar and white flour.”

”The health-giving elements are particularly found in raw organic edibles, fresh and unprocessed food, sunshine for vitamin D production (required for proper assimilation of calcium into the dental structure). Make particularly sure to get enough tooth and bone-friendly vitamin K2, A, D and C and the full mineral and trace element spectrum. Good oral hygiene can help save teeth by raising saliva pH to tooth-friendly levels. One near-instant way of doing this is the use of baking soda for tooth brushing or rinsing.”

Robert Nara said: “Teeth can heal themselves. Early caries (cavities) can be medically reversed; the body’s natural self-regenerating ability can restore degraded enamel to perfect health.”

The Nature Cure movement is also known as Natural Hygiene. Its main premise is: ”The body is inherently healthy and self-healing and always strives to maintain or re-establish optimal healthful conditions if properly supported in doing so.”

Teeth don’t heal the same as other tissues. They’re like the bones and they take a lot longer. Robert Nara says: ”The smaller cavities will heal, remineralize up to about two millimetres deep. What will happen in a tooth that is severely decayed is that the stump will firm up. Instead of being soft and mushy, it develops a leathery consistency. A healed tooth will remain resistant to decay as long as the oral conditions are beneficial.”

There are many documented cases of very damaged teeth firming up and becoming solid and functional. It takes absolute commitment because today’s average diet of processed foods is not suited to this kind of radical healing. This healing requires attention to the outer factors of oral hygiene and the inner factors of an excellent choice of foods.

We need to remember the controversial ”third cause” of dental decay, which is from the effects of invasive dentistry. It’s an ongoing concern to all dental healers because dental work that weakens the natural structure of the tooth will bring about all kinds of new problems.

There’s a dental researcher with extensive training in oral biology called Sally Marshall. She says: ”Today, reversal of caries and repair of tooth structure is possible. Remineralization of enamel, the outer portion of the tooth, is an accepted phenomenon.”

Remineralization is truly a magical process. We can make it work if we seek it diligently. We need to better understand how teeth heal, and we must be strong enough to resist the urge to attack the teeth with powerful invasive dentistry.





37) ancient Chinese medicine was very different …



Chinese culture has evolved continuously for thousands of years. During this time there has been a lot of study done on health and healing. Like many cultures, China has two streams of medicine, the standard modern medicine and the more ancient traditional medicine.

Before medicine and dentistry were separated as in the west, care of the teeth was part of the physician’s job.
That’s because the dental and bodily health are interlinked and connected.

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) originates with the Yellow Emperor, Huang-Ti. The Nei-Jing is the collected knowledge of the physicians of the Chinese emperors. At the core of Nei-Jing is the body’s balance with the forces of nature. These forces are described by terms such as “hot and cold, dry and damp”. TCM has a library of important herbal cures, and it uses acupuncture and massage.

The body is viewed as a harmonized system of meridian energies. TCM is an ”energy science” and unlike western medicine, it doesn’t use surgery or synthetic drugs. Patients are treated by correcting unbalanced energy flows.

”Ailments originate from a disharmony between the forces Yin and Yang. This imbalance creates a disruption of the flow of Qi (chi), a vital energy that lets the body perform and maintain its health. With the use of herbs and stimulation of specific body points, a positive flow of energy is restored and maintained.”

The body’s meridians are the key in TCM. They’re channels of energy that connect the major organ systems. There are twelve of these major energy channels, and the one that governs the teeth is the kidney meridian.

All along the meridians are acupuncture points. These are stimulated to improve the energy flows. The kidneys are defined as a ”water-energy Yin organ”.

‘Known as the ‘Minister of Power’, the kidney is regarded as the body’s most important reservoir of essential energy. The original prenatal energy (yuan chi) which forms the basis of life is stored in the kidney organ-energy system, which is why the kidneys are also known as the ‘Root of Life’.

”In the Chinese view, the kidney organ system also includes the adrenal glands, which consist of the adrenal medulla and the adrenal cortex. These glands sit like hats on top of the kidneys and secrete a wide range of essential hormones that regulate metabolism, excretion, immunity, sexual potency and fertility.

”The kidney system also includes what the Chinese call the ‘external kidneys’: the testicles in men and the ovaries in women. Thus the kidneys manage sexual and reproductive functions and provide the body’s prime source of sexual vitality, which the Chinese regard as a major indicator of health and immunity.”

I can personally say that there’s a wide gulf of difference between the eastern and western approaches to medicine. It’s not for me to say one is better, but to present the evidence. Eastern medicine has been based on energy. Western on intervention by using drugs. Western dentistry treats by drilling and patching up. What if we could take a TCM approach to healing our teeth? If we did that, we’d open up a whole new kind of dental medicine. The shock-waves would scare a lot of people.

It’s best to turn to your imagination. Imagine what dentistry would be like if it was run on TCM principles. Would you like this kind of dentistry? Would you be scared about going to this kind of dentist? I don’t think I’d be scared at all. I think I would be in for an experience like I’ve never had before. I think you’d feel the same way too.




38) probing into the energy of things …


The ancient cultures like China treated cavities by patching them with materials such as porcelain and beeswax. The dentist-physician would prepare the restoration by using basic hand tools, and these are still available in any dentist’s toolkit today. There is no need to drill.

The key to using Traditional Chinese Medicine for healing the teeth is to know how to stimulate the kidney meridian properly, so as to gain the best long term benefit. Tooth decay is also known as Odontosis and is considered by perceptive dental healers to be a chronic condition. The contributing factors are well-known: an improper diet, foods that promote bacterial decay, and inadequate prevention.

TCM is a holistic science that treats the entire body including the psychology of the person. Having a solid psychological approach to healing the teeth is really essential.

Features of the kidneys in TCM include: Filtering waste from the blood, controlling the balance of fluids in the body, regulating the body’s acid-alkaline balance (pH), and nourishing and controlling the development of bones and marrow. Interestingly, TCM states that the kidneys are the seat of courage and willpower, and they house the body’s will power (known as Zhi).

Strong kidney function will link up with the teeth and bones and produce strong bone marrow as well as strong dentin and pulp. These will be more resistant to disease. Decay will have a much harder time getting established in any form.

TCM says: ”The Kidney’s positive psycho-emotional attributes are wisdom, rationality, clear perception, gentleness, and self-understanding.” Intelligence has many sources. The various organs of the body, besides their physical functions, might also be the sources of the body’s intelligence in different forms.

If you trust your gut feelings, you’re accessing a source of intelligence from a unique location. So it is with the body’s many organs and their meridians of subtle energy. No longer are we focusing only on the physical tooth in front of us, but are now considering the whole array of connecting influences that affect that tooth.




39) I stumbled upon an ancient secret …



You’re probably wondering by now where this is all leading to. Well, the answer is simple: It leads to the healing of your teeth. Except for one thing. It’s not about gathering a lot of information. It never is. It’s always about integrating new ideas that will spark an intuitive burst in you. This eureka will lead you to the answers you are looking for. Healing is very intuitive.

What if you had a science of medicine that stood the test of time over many centuries, and yet, half of it was missing? I’m referring to Traditional Chinese Medicine. Half of it is missing? What’s that, you say? Preposterous ……

Not so fast. I’ve gone to the local TCM colleges in search of information about dental healing. What did I find? What I found knocked my socks off. Remarkably, when I started poring through the huge TCM textbooks that are over 1200 pages thick in search of dental cures, I found a scant half-page or one page about the teeth. That’s all.

Wait a second. If the teeth are so important, and are considered to be the main factors behind a large majority of the body’s maladies, why does a classic science like TCM essentially ignore them? This didn’t seem right to me, nor should it seem right to anyone.

Well, I decided to do a bit of investigating. Surely, since teeth are so central to overall wellness, TCM must be keenly and passionately interested in them. So what happened? I asked a lot of sources. Besides the TCM colleges, I asked Chinese herbal dispensaries. I had many good conversations with many learned Chinese people. Finally I hit pay dirt at my local tea shop. That’s right. The Chinese owner explained everything.

It seems that the modern-day TCM is more properly known as the Nei-Jing, and this goes back to the Yellow Emperor (Huang-Di). The Emperor’s doctors compiled all the existing knowledge on medicine into thick volumes. Nei-Jing literally means “internal medicine”. So what about the “external”. This is what I asked my tea shop owner. I could feel it coming. She simply said: “It’s all in the Wei-Jing”.

“The Wei-Jing? What’s the Wei-Jing?”

“It’s the missing half of TCM. It’s been lost for many centuries.”

“Are you telling me that present day Traditioinal Chinese Medicine covers only half the knowledge known?”

“Well, sure.”

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. And from a tea shop owner. She’s a wonderful lady by the way, I would go there all the time and watch her pour herself her special medicinal tea in a tiny cup.

“So where might I find this essential corpus called the Wei-Jing?” I asked as I mopped up my spillage.

“Like I said, it’s missing.”

“But how. Where?”

“We don’t know.”

“Could we look for it?”

“Sure if you want. People have been looking for it a long time now.”


“Yeah. And when they do find it, you’ll have all of your vital information aboutv the care and healing of the teeth. Plus a whole lot more of course. External would cover a lot. Just look how thick the Nei-Jing books are.”

When you get an insight like this, it takes some time to compose yourself. I was just knocked out by all of this.

But here’s the very reason why these thick and detailed TCM textbooks only give a scant half-page to the teeth. I was meant to hear this, becasuse naturally, it’s the start of a new passion. Finding the Wei-Jing!

I can just picture the hordes of dental executives all lining up to take shots at me. What a blast.

So somewhere … in a cave perhaps, on some holy mountain in China, a group of wise acolytes are guarding and presiding over a veritable treasure of medical knowledge that makes up fully “the other half” of all the Traditional Chinese Medicine. And about which the world knows nothing. I can’t say anymore.

Except that … I have to find this Wei-Jing. I really want to find it, wherever it is. I can just imagine it right now. I’d be poring though hundreds of detailed pages about how to care for and heal the teeth, in proven, natural ways. In ways passed down over many millennia.

Now I ask you, my friend and reader, if finding this missing treasure interests you as well.




40) the body transmits all kinds of electrical flows …


The Kidney Meridian is the boss of the teeth and bones. This is bedrock TCM gospel. So by strengthening this meridian, we send healing energy to our teeth. How then do we do this?

TCM blends acupuncture, massage, and a large library of natural herbs and cures. Acupuncture along the kidney meridian is an obvious place to start. ”In Chinese Medicine winter corresponds with the energy of our Kidneys, our most important storehouse of energy. They are the root of all yin (cooling energy) and yang (warming energy) within the body and our foundation for a healthy, vital life.

”The Yin energy is about nurturing, supporting, stabilizing, moistening and building the body. The Yang energy warms, energizes, and animates the body. The Kidneys also store the Jing essence, which is the Qi (vital energy) passed on from the parents.”

”The Kidneys are responsible for nourishing “marrow”. Marrow flows into bones, the spinal cord, and the entire central nervous system to support and nourish. If Qi and blood are abundant, the bones with be strong, the teeth will be strong, the spine will be strong, and the mind will be strong.”

The entire corpus known as the Wei-Jing has been missing for hundreds of years, and this volume most likely deals extensively with the health of the teeth.

The Wei-Jing would detail the treatment of cavities and their most ideal restorations. It would deal with prevention. It would recommend the most ideal dentifrice. And since TCM is based mostly on flows and qualities of energy (rather than on interventions such as surgery, which includes most dental work), the Wei-Jing would advise us on how to balance the energy in and around the teeth for optimal wellness.

In TCM, complementary forces of Yin and Yang define the energy substrate of the body, the Qi (Chi). With acupuncture the meridians are empowered. Acupuncturists use needles at specific points to stimulate the flow of energy to specific organs and glands. There are hundreds of different points located along the basic twenty-one Meridians. It’s an intricate map that the Chinese have known about for over 3,000 years.

Reinhold Voll was a German doctor who studied Chinese Medicine in depth. This led him to be an expert in energy medicine. Voll’s system is known as Electrical Acupuncture by Voll (EAV) or Electro-Dermal Screening (EDS).

Voll developed precise tools to measure the energy flows between two points in the body. He measured along established meridians and recorded current readings in amperes and volts. It was an amazing update on TCM.

Voll tested for normal and abnormal energy amplitudes. He found that:
1) Electricity will flow through a Meridian.
2) The electrical measurement is directly related to how (Qi) Energy flows through the specific Meridian.
3) The flow of Energy is related to the Energetic health of a Meridian. Therefore the electricity is related, just as the Energy is, to the health of the Meridian.

The brilliant dentist Mark Breiner has studied bio-electrical measurement. He says: ”Voll found that many of his circuits corresponded to traditional acupuncture meridians, but many were new. He was also able to establish that each meridian acted like a ”highway for energy”, connecting specific teeth, organs, tissues, and, in fact, everything in the body.

”Because the body consists of an energetic web of relationships, the major circuits have secondary and tertiary circuits connecting virtually all parts of the body. Since every major organ and, in fact, nearly everything in the human body is linked via meridians to a specific tooth, the implications of EAV testing in Whole-Body Dentistry are tremendous.”

Lawrence Wilson is a western-trained doctor who has deep knowledge of the effects of dental health. He says: ”Each of our teeth is connected to an acupuncture meridian. When metals are placed in a tooth, they can interfere with the flow of meridian energy through that tooth, and through the entire body as a result.”

Metals in the teeth produce a ”galvanic response”. According to ancient Chinese Medicine, the body a finely tuned bio-electrical instrument. Therefore any metal in the body will be a big problem.

The Chinese have also used special salts from remote Gobi lakes as dental cleansers. It’s a good investment to strike up a relationship with the local TCM dispensary, and go deeply into the amazing magical secrets of oriental dental healing.





41) pathways of energy running through the body …


Reflexology has its roots in Egypt, India, and China. Those must be incredibly long roots stretching thousands of miles. Maybe the longest root system on record.

Reflexology is similar to Chinese acupuncture. Except that Reflexology focuses mostly on the feet and hands. There are 10 main energy channels. Serious deal there.

Reflexology uses hand pressure only, because salves and oils are optional. Pressure is released from the inside where the nerves are. One lady did an experiment to find out if it really worked for everything. Meaning: Her teeth! There is the pay dirt. When folks test things for their teeth, you know they’ve gone beyond the sheep pen, and gone looking for freedom.

Let’s call her Anastasia for convenience. She went to the dentist and was told she had two cavities. She decided right there to put off the treatment; she went home to test the healing possibilities of Reflexology. Her dentist was not exactly thrilled. (He had house payments due.)

In her words: ”When you direct Qi to an area that needs to be healed, the healing energy helps your body to heal itself. The Chinese Reflexology points for the teeth are located on the tops of the toes, below the toe knuckles. On the big toe, there’s just one knuckle, so the Reflexology points are located above and below the joint.

”The Reflexology area is shaped like a thin strip and there are two strips on each toe. The distal (top) strip is for the upper jaw and teeth. The proximal (bottom) strip is for the lower jaw and teeth. The toes on the right foot correspond to the left side of the mouth and the toes on the left foot correspond to the right side.”

Anastasia used her thumb to press and rub across the strip in a side-to-side motion. She massaged these Reflexology points (corresponding to her teeth) for about a minute every other day. She also massaged her kidney point. (In TCM, Kidney Qi supports the bones and teeth.) She soon noticed that problems with her teeth and gums were reflected by the sensitivity that these Reflexology points felt to massage. As her teeth healed, these points become less sensitive.

When she returned to the dentist, he took new DiagnoDent readings on the those two teeth. He was amazed. They didn’t need treatment any more; they were fully healed.

Anastasia said: ”True healing isn’t only about researching the right routine, eating the right foods, taking the right supplements. It’s about listening to the body’s innate wisdom. The mind answers with words; the body answers with feelings. So ask questions like, ”Would this be beneficial?” and then listen by feeling.”

She is also a dedicated student of optimism; she was determined to self-heal and sure enough, the correct knowledge she needed showed up. Holly used a lot of positive self-reinforcement. For example, she would say: ”These teeth are healing wonderfully”. Not many people will do that but she did. She adds: ”When you reach this state of being, you can heal yourself of anything, regardless of what anyone else believes.”

Some places are progressive about alternative medicine. In Denmark, companies have used Reflexology for a couple of decades now. Danes are no longer marauding neighboring lands, laying waste to small farms. Thank goodness. The result has been reduced sick leave and absenteeism, which turns into big savings. Who would think that absenteeism comes from feeling crappy? “In one municipal district, almost one-third of the employees reported greater satisfaction with their jobs after completing six sessions with a Reflexologist.” It’s incredible. Plus, you create jobs for the Reflexologist.

Individual teeth have energy correspondences. Check a tooth meridian chart. Maybe the missing secrets of Wei-Jing can be found here. All those martial arts movies; we have to get something practical out of it. Too much Jet Li beating up people, and not enough linking up of Reflexology and the ancient science. It’s obviously the same energy. It runs through the body and it’s been mapped to a large extent. What more do we want?

So HERE is where the new science of Naturopathic Dentistry begins . Yes, you saw it here first. The treatment plan is holistic and energy-based. Every tooth has a correspondence. Teeth are treated and healed by using non-invasive methods, which don’t cause dread and panic. High speed drills are replaced by acupuncture and energy treatments. And when there are decayed areas to remove and be restored with safe composite, a special dentist is brought in just for that job. No one fears this kind of treatment. In fact, they rejoice over it.

Biological dentist Michael Rehme says: ”After years of observations, clinical experience, and patient testimonials, it’s quite apparent that our teeth are connected to these energetic pathways called meridians and the relationship to other body parts is quite real.

”Imagine rivers that flood and cause disasters or an electrical grid short-circuiting that causes blackouts. Acupuncture works to ”re-program” and restore normal functions by stimulating certain points on the meridians in order to free up the Chi energy.”

I love hearing professional dentists speaking this way. It proves that there is abundant hope for this profession. Despite the income-generation boot camps, there are dentists out there who think about healing. This means that we must choose our dentists carefully. No two are alike. We need to find dentists who know about the Eastern healing traditions. Not easy to find, but they can be found, even if we have to travel for it.




42) is modern truth also ancient truth? …


I was in India a few years ago. When they want to say yes, Indians just shake their heads from side to side. It means yes. They also have a lot of cows running loose in the streets. I went to a lassi walla and had it served in a ceramic cup that you toss on the road after you’re finished. Unfortunately a lot of other stuff gets tossed on the road there. They will clean it all up some day. That’s what all the pujas are for. They’re praying for clean up crews.

India does have the ancient medicine of Ayurveda. We can compare Ayurveda with Traditional Chinese Medicine:

1) Both recognize whole-body effects of local symptoms.
2) Ayurveda is hands-on. It incorporates surgery when necessary, for example in crisis medicine. TCM avoids surgery, working instead with the theme of balancing.
3) Like TCM, Ayurveda avoids synthetic drugs and relies on natural substances.
4) Like TCM it addresses energy forces (the Doshas) which tend to be dismissed by western medicine.
5) Meridian mapping tends to be more detailed in TCM.

Ayurveda and TCM both focus mainly on the causes of illness rather than the symptom-based approach. In terms of dentistry, both have much to offer. We could formulate new long-term approaches to treating dental decay.

Robert Nara says: ”The smaller cavities will heal, remineralize up to about two millimetres deep. What will happen in a tooth that is severely decayed is that the stump will firm up. Instead of being soft and mushy, it develops a leathery consistency. A healed tooth will remain resistant to decay as long as the oral conditions are beneficial.”

Ayurveda and TCM should help us treat just about any dental condition with less-invasive methods, which means no more anxiety and fear. We would become full partners in our healing, which would include remineralization. It’s pure magic.




43) ultimately, the mind is the original healer …


There are ancient practices in this world that go very deeply into healing on both physical and mental levels. Ultimately all healing is of the mind. As you believe and expect, so you experience. The ancient cultures of China and India described mystical practices that went far beyond the accepted frames of reference. They went into deep longevity. People who succeeded in these practices were termed immortals. They simply broke the barriers of limiting thought and belief.

When it comes to the body and health, this is not easy to do, and significant lifestyle changes must occur. This is why most people don’t pursue these paths; they prefer their comfort zones. But for deep healing that leads to longevity, a serious effort must be made.

Ayurveda is the medical counterpart of yogic practices like pranayama. These practices can often leapfrog all the intermediate steps to healing, because they provoke fundamental lifestyle adjustments. If you want the fast track to total healing, this is the way to go.

In ancient China, the Taoists acolytes were masters in total immersion healing. They would often prefer to live in secluded mountain locations, to allow them to harvest selected herbs, fruits and minerals, and drink spring water. No doubt the Wei-Jing, if it’s ever found, will shed powerful light on some of these methods.

If we want to heal our teeth, we need to learn about the ancient yogic practices of the adepts. It’s a complete approach to life, and is not for the casual mind.




44) western doctors are not allowed to look at your teeth …


Modern society is structured in such a way that you can’t go into any business you want if you feel like it. Dentistry is a perfect example. To go into dentistry, you need to spend at least four years at an approved college, and then pass various exams. Then, if you look all right, they’ll allow you to open up shop and do dental work on people. You’re on your on.

It seems a bit cruel that a self styled and self-taught healer is shut out of the profession, but that’s the breaks.

Medicine and dentistry used to be done by one kind of person, a general physician. But the fields were divided many decades ago. While this might have brought benefits of specialization, it also broke the “whole body” focus. Nowadays, most mainstream dentists focus only on the tooth in front of them. It’s actually against the statutes of the profession for a dentist to include “body” diagnoses, just as doctors are not allowed to examine the teeth for indications of a bodily malady. Of course this is a serious limitation.

For example, what if a patient goes to a doctor with symptoms of fatigue, loss of appetite, or much worse, and the cause is actually mercury poisoning from several toxic dental fillings. The doctor is obligated to make up a diagnosis that doesn’t include the teeth. It can lead to serious issues.

I’m guessing that this happens quite often. It’s just one way that dentistry and medicine could be fixed significantly. Remember that Reinhold Voll claimed that up to 80% of the body’s maladies can originate in the teeth. However they often show up elsewhere. This is known as the “focal theory” of malady, where the symptoms show up far away from the source of the problem. Dental bacteria if left to propagate could degrade the blood. Or toxic mercury could affect the nervous system and cause damage.

It would be great if doctors and dentists could work more closely together. But even the insurance business insures that they can’t. Medical insurance usually covers everything except the teeth. And dental insurance seems to be prohibitively expensive on its own. Insurance is for-profit, and they definitely don’t enjoy losing money.

Robert Nara says: ”Medical doctors don’t tell us about optimal dental wellness because for nearly two centuries now, the mouth has been “out of bounds” for MD’s. It just isn’t expected of medical doctors to provide training or counseling about “dental disease” any more than a dentist would be consulted for a lower-body sports injury.”

Nara adds: ”The medical associations would probably sanction any MD who began publicly and frankly discussing diseases of the mouth the teeth. Probably every MD would understand the processes of dental disease and oral health if he gave it his professional attention. Doctors are trained and deeply experienced in microbiology, pathology and diagnosis-treatment methods. It’s likely that a medical doctor would understand odontosis (dental caries) almost intuitively, if he was permitted to look into it.”

One part per million of mercury in canned fish makes it unsafe to eat. Yet 500,000 parts per million are found in dental amalgams. That doesn’t make any sense.

Vaccines are a very toxic issue right now. There is no way to understand the vaccine debate without also including the political, sociological and economic forces at play. ”When the media caught wind of the story, damage control was quickly engaged, with a professor and medical doctor from the city Health Department claiming that the vaccine wasn’t to blame.” Unless we’re prepared and willing to play this societal game with skill and great cleverness, we’re not going to fare so well. There are powerful forces at work here.

One pediatric doctor said: ”What I notice is that children who come to me from other practices where they’ve been fully vaccinated often are the kids in my practice with asthma, panic disorder, OCD, pandas, autism, Asperger’s. My kids who’ve never been vaccinated in my practice, I don’t see those issues. I don’t have one child who was not vaccinated who also has asthma, food allergies, or Asperger’s or autism, or Crohn’s or ulcerative colitis… none of these chronic, either chronic inflammatory or chronic autoimmune diseases.”

Human drives are like colors of a rainbow. They join at the edges but don’t mix very much. One of the rainbow colors is the basic need to be fed, housed, and comfortable. Another color is the need to make money. For some this need becomes all consuming and obsessive. There are other colors. They stand for primal human needs that find expression in various ways in society.

Naturopathic Dentistry would be a great boon, as it would solve so many things and provide alternatives to the standard monopoly of dentistry. As healers we have to start with the basic position that dentistry should be a pleasant experience and not one filled with dread and panic. Dividing the body and the teeth into two separate fields of medicine doesn’t bring optimal conditions. At least we know what to fix.




45) let’s say a few words because, well because …


People should have perfectly good dental health. Their teeth should be every bit as healthy as their feet or their hands. Teeth are living intelligent entities and their natural state is to be absolutely well. Teeth want to be well and fit.

Success-minded people who say affirmations out loud are usually far advantaged. They know what they want and they design the exact language to get that result. They impress their subconscious with the complete desired package of success, and the amazing mind assures that things turn out in ideal accordance. These people are very smart.

Here are some affirmations to use for your own dental healing:

1) The Infinite Being sees me as optimally well. This Infinite Being is not something apart from me. The original template for my teeth is for them to be well and healthy. Therefore I expect the best.

2) I am completely in charge of my absolute well-being, and this begins with my teeth. I’m heir to the horse traders of antiquity, and I know that good teeth make for a heck of a stallion.

3) My healing comes in dependable and miraculous ways because the direction I follow is based on truth and common sense, and not on marketing devices. I own the wisdom and guidance of the Infinite Intelligence because this Intelligence is my best buddy.

4) Laughter is definitely replacing all feelings of dread as I walk to my dental appointment. Today is a special day because I will be totally in charge of everything that goes on there.

We can say these statements out loud with feeling for fifteen minutes daily and over time they will begin to manifest from the very core of what matters the most. Which is, usually, the Sun.





46) professional dentistry is changing right now …


Minimally Invasive Dentistry holds the best promise for turning dentistry into a healing experience. MID dentists have fiercely loyal clients. MID protocol tries to avoid dental drilling whenever possible. MID watches all dental materials used to en, to make sure they are bio-compatible and non-toxic. Thirdly, MID involves the client in all the treatment options, to ensure treatments are well understood.

MID wants to conserve healthy tooth structure, ensure the client’s understanding of good prevention, and assist in healing by remineralization.

Tim Rainey says: ”Minimally invasive dentistry is not about creating an endless loop of revisits. Instead, by using intelligent prevention to create a healthy cavity-fighting bio-flora in your mouth; dental prophylaxis such as brushing and irrigating with baking soda, and oil pulling; combined with minimally invasive restorations, you can prevent about 80 percent of future dental problems.”

The 80% of dental expenditures mostly comes from repairing previous dental work, or treating its effects with new corrective procedures. Avoiding this would save clients phenomenal time and money, not to mention saving their teeth. And since the teeth are so connected to the body’s health, this means wellness on all levels.

There’s an organization called The World Congress of Minimally Invasive Dentistry. They say: ”While originally focused on early diagnosis and minimally invasive treatment of tooth decay, the Congress now regularly examines all minimally invasive procedures in dentistry. The purpose has shifted to include accurate diagnosis and prevention of diseases, not just diagnosing the disease and treating the signs and symptoms.”

Dental innovations include Microscope Enhanced Dentistry. This uses high magnification for better diagnosis.

One Micro-Dentistry service provider says: ”Utilizing advanced magnifications (4.3-20x magnifications) allow us to glean unprecedented detail information, helping to make better diagnosis and provide more precise treatment for our patients; such as Non-invasive or Minimally invasive procedures. There are three main categories which describe the invasiveness of dental procedures.

”These are: non-invasive procedures, minimally invasive procedures, and invasive procedures (the latter of which has been around a long time and considered an old dentistry). Performing non-invasive and minimally invasive procedures requires higher magnifications.

Traditional dentistry is sometimes referred to as ”drill, fill, and bill”. There are much smarter ways to treat living teeth.




47) how to diagnose and be happy about it …


The tools that dentists could be a lot healthier. When it comes to the diagnosis of cavities or other damage, most dentists rely on the visual examination with that sharp hand tool called the explorer. They poke and prod, and then they do an x-ray.

You’d be amazed to know that the accuracy rate for this method is less than 50%. This is according to several sources, including Carol Vander Stoep, author of ”Mouth Matters”. Not only is the explorer hand-tool vague and inaccurate, but it also risks chipping and cracking sensitive enamel, leading to further injury. It could lead to new cavities. If you feel I’m habitually harsh on dentistry, I agree with you. However, I point this out just to show once again how relatively unenlightened the profession really is.

Vander Stoep says: ”Sometimes a tooth pit is just the right width to catch a dental explorer, so is incorrectly diagnosed as decay. More often, decay is missed. Because of the way teeth form, tiny defects can lead to decay that is difficult to detect using standard x-rays and a dental explorer. It is estimated these techniques used alone are correct only 25% of the time.”

A German company called KaVo makes a laser-based tool called the DiagnoDent. The company website says:
”The DiagnoDent measures laser fluorescence within the tooth structure. As the incident laser light is propagated into the site, two-way hand-piece optics allows the unit to simultaneously quantify the reflected laser light energy. At the specific wavelength that the DiagnoDent laser operates, clean healthy tooth structure exhibits little or no fluorescence, resulting in very low scale readings on the display. However, carious tooth structure will exhibit fluorescence, proportionate to the degree of caries, resulting in elevated scale readings on the display.”

Yes, this is higher technology, but it does promise a significant improvement over the prodding method.

Dentistry IQ says: ”Diagnostic lasers can be used to detect smooth surface, inter-proximal, and pit and fissure caries. The laser light causes the carious areas of the tooth to fluoresce. The fluorescence is then measured, and the determination of caries can be made. Laser caries detection offers greater sensitivity than conventional visual and tactile methods.”

The two big pluses with the DiagnoDent are: 1) accuracy, which is over 90%, and 2) minimal invasiveness. Dentists get to choose either a desk system or a small hand-held pen device. I would take the pen. It’s much cheaper at around $1500. Now the Chinese are entering the market. They soon might sell for much less.

”Sub-surface caries lesions can be extremely difficult to detect using an explorer. Now dentists have a new asset – the DiagnoDent pen. It’s high-tech laser fluorescence caries detection. It’s especially useful in pit and fissure areas. It’s over 90% accurate in detecting incipient caries.”

The main benefit of good diagnosis is that caries (cavities) are being seen before they have a chance to become major issues.





48) you pretty much have to watch everything they do …


Are x-rays safe? I’m reminded of Frank Jerome saying that nearly everything in a modern medical office can pose risk. The newer digital x-rays are much safer than the old ones because they emit a small fraction of the radiation.

The use of dental implants has brought a lot of new radiation risks, not to mention that the implants are extremely invasive and the process is irreversible. Implants now mostly require the use of cone-beam scanners. These emit powerful radiation. X-rays can negatively affect cell DNA and chromosomes.

One CT scan (computerized tomography) exposes a person to the equivalent of 500 or more average X-rays. One CT scan would expose a person to 10 milliSieverts, which is three year’s worth of ambient radiation exposure in under one minute. CT scans are used in medicine because they give powerful 3-dimensional images in detail.

From a common sense perspective, I feel that an emergency situation is the only logical place for a CT scanner. They should never be used casually. For diagnostics, there are much safer options. There’s also the panoramic x-ray (Panorex) to be concerned about. It really sends a lot of radiation out.

A BioSafe dentist says: ”At Life Extension Labs we long ago warned members to avoid CT (computerized tomography) scans and any kind of X-ray unless it’s absolutely necessary. Up against us was an armada of for-profit companies who promoted CT scans which deliver up to four times more radiation than what was previously believed, which was already dangerously high.”

”The cone-beam business is lucrative for manufacturers and dentists. According to estimates, more than 3,000 scanners and about 30 different models have been sold, at prices up to $250,000. Dentists, some of whom charge several hundred dollars per scan, can profit by owning their own machines. ‘More profit per unit chair time…’ says Imaging Sciences, a cone-beam scanner manufacturer.”

There is always the business side of things. And the healing side of things is going “Whoaaaa ….”





49) dental college teaches stuff they shouldn’t be teaching …


One of the biggest quandaries in dental health is the decision to be made when a tooth is too badly damaged to save. It’s often a choice between a root canal procedure or an extraction.

Most people today, with the support of the dentist, will choose the root canal. The reasoning is that it’s better to have a dead tooth as a support structure than a big gap there. But there are many fallacies to this reasoning.

George Meinig wrote the ultimate root canal warning book: The Root Canal Coverup. In it, he explains in detail how root canals “will come back to haunt you”. The reason, he says, is that root canaled teeth invariably become host colonies for very toxic anaerobic bacteria. This could happen over time. In the root canal procedure, the dentist keeps a dead tooth in place by removing the nerve and pulp, all the living tissue of the tooth. He makes a judgment call that the tooth can’t be saved. The removed tissue is replaced with synthetic materials such as gutta percha and latex.

The website Green Med Info says: ”There are many reasons to avoid root canals, and common sense would dictate keeping a dead piece of your body attached to living tissue is a bad idea. Still, millions undergo this procedure under the advice of their dentist or endodontic specialist without fully being informed of the deleterious health consequences.

”The reality is that there are miles of maze-like microtubules within the dead tooth, a potential breeding ground for anaerobic oral microorganisms that secrete potent endotoxins. Often, removal of the root canaled tooth is the only permanent solution.”

Sometimes a dentist isn’t aware of how to save a very damaged tooth and bring it back to functionality. This means he takes the easy option. Killing a tooth this way is a serious decision. It can’t be reversed.

When in dental college, dentists are shown the walls of the inner tooth as a smooth surface. It’s anything but that. The inner tooth walls are actually permeated by millions of microtubules, which are the small capillaries that carry the blood and nutrients to the pulp of the tooth. These microtubules are exactly where the pathogenic bacteria will colonize over time. Dentists won’t, or can’t admit this. They’re shown diagrams of smooth inner tooth walls, not of millions of tiny tissue pockets.

Any anaerobic (not needing oxygen) bacteria residing in the body over time will put a significant strain on the immune system. People need to seriously consider this.

Richard Hansen says: ”There are many weaknesses in the standard root canal procedure. For one thing, the chemicals used to sterilize the root interiors are toxic and harmful to the human body. Another problem is the gutta percha material used to fill the roots. It is made of a latex material that many people may be sensitive to, and may shrink or leave voids which may leak and breed more bacteria.

”Gutta percha is mixed with heavy metal salts, which may include mercury, barium, and lead, so that it will show up well in an X-Ray. All blood flow and lymphatic drainage to the area surrounding the tooth may be reduced, which may cause bone death and degradation around the tooth.”

Knowing this, what would you do if faced with the choice? Personally, I would choose every attempt at healing, which includes pulp capping along with aggressive healing treatments using natural oils. Failing this, I would choose extraction because it’s nature’s way. Teeth are designed by the Creator to be separate from the jaw. They can be extracted and nothing gets broken.

Pulp capping is a recent introduction, but it’s probably the ideal solution. It involves using calcium and phosphorus-based compounds to form a shield against the sensitive pulp layer. Composite restorations can’t be applied to the pulp because the surface is too soft. A pulp cap allows the pulp to heal itself and form a new protective dentin layer. This is how a badly damaged tooth can be saved. The pulp cap is covered with regular composite, and in time the inner tooth heals on its own. The organic ingredients in the pulp cap encourage the tooth to repair itself.

After this, treatment with pure oxygen is essential. A good ozone therapy can heal damaged tissue remarkably well.

Joe Mercola says: ”Teeth are similar to other organ systems in your body in that they also require a blood supply, lymphatic, and venous drainage, and nervous innervations. Root canals, however, are dead teeth, and these dead teeth typically become one of, if not the worst, sources of chronic bacterial toxicity in the body.”

Richard Hansen says about most crown-capped root-canal teeth: ”The cement that fastens the permanent crown is not foolproof. It may crack and leak over time, allowing microbes to enter the remainder of the tooth underneath, and cause further decay and breakdown.”

Every effort must be made to save a tooth, even if the damage is severe. There have been confirmed cases of mere stumps of teeth, given the right diet and protocol, firming up and becoming stable and solid. In some cases the miraculous has happened and teeth have regrown after being pulled. It’s much more common with children, but sometimes adults have had this happen. However this is in the category of miraculous.

It’s essential for anyone facing a root canal procedure to ask many questions and to get second or third opinions, especially from naturopaths. Root canals definitely cannot be considered healing, so clear alternatives must be well understood and all healthier options considered. A tooth saved is a tooth living, and every effort must be made to save a tooth.





50) there are rants and then there are rants …


I’ve seen where new age books are popular, especially being in the “now”. My next book will be about how to be in the moment without looking like you’re in the moment. I’m going to call it “The Power of Pretty Darn Soon”.

Are we bucking the established orthodox view of dentistry yet? I’m doing a lot of talking, so I hope I’m not just a noisy steam kettle. With standard dentistry you have a business proposition, but I’ve said that already. Don’t get me wrong, I love business. It’s just that I hate the business of a drill going at 40,000 RPM right inside my mouth. I hate that kind of business, and I also hate the business of having to remove poison fillings at my own great expense that were put in there by people in the very same damn profession. I should have been well compensated for the damage these guys did. I remember them too. They looked depressed because they were handling the poison. Never mind that it was going into people’s mouths. Have I got some feelings about all of this?

A book by Ramiel Nagel called Cure Tooth Decay has been very popular. Nagel described himself as a victim of modern dentistry. At one point in the book, Nagel let it all out in a very impassioned jeremiad (which is what someone does when they lash out madly at things that hurt them terribly):

”Modern dentistry is a profound failure. The enormity of suffering and disease caused by dentistry is so massive that is beyond comprehension … Its treatment methods of drilling and filling are highly damaging to teeth. The materials used in dentistry are extremely toxic and have been connected to diseases that are severe, painful and widespread.

“Conventional dentistry has placed highly poisonous mercury in the mouths of hundreds of millions of people. The mercury exposure of dentists and suffering caused by dentistry explains in part why dentists have one of the highest suicide rates of any profession. Tens of millions of needless root canals have been performed.

“Modern dentistry has drilled deeply into healthy parts of millions of teeth because of the failed treatment policy of ”extension for prevention”. It has caused irreversible pulp damage in millions of tooth nerves with drills that spin too fast. The profit-motivated system of dentistry has led to tens of millions of needless dental procedures.”

”Modern dentistry has poisoned tens of millions of children by promoting the topical and internal use of the unproven poison fluoride. And dentistry has in some cases killed innocent children slowly from the side effects of dental surgery, from swallowing fluoride, and from deadly side effects of disease-inciting metals implanted in children’s mouths. If this dental massacre had any benefits to show then perhaps it could be exonerated. But it does not.”

That really lays it all on the line. When I read this, I sense that it voices what many folks would like to say. And the dentist’s response? Remarkably, I think many dentists would agree with this rant. How’s that, you say? Simple. Dentists have been trained in a monopoly profession where they didn’t have to right to ask about a lot of stuff. They did what they were told. Dentists want to heal people. They just haven’t been trained how to. They haven’t been given the right tools yet. Isn’t that the irony of it all.

There are now quite a few sincere organizations supporting a healthier kind of dentistry. One is the Holistic Dental Association. Another is BioSafe.

BioSafe says: “Clients today are seeking safer, more natural methods of dental care to protect their overall health. Treatment under BioSafe Dentistry methods yields treatment outcomes far superior to conventional dentistry. Patients are healthier overall, and report feeling better and happier with this type of dental care. The actual dental treatment, techniques and materials we recommend last longer with less tooth damage than conventional treatment and no toxic or chemical exposures over time.

“Treatment is performed with little or no exposure to potentially toxic substances. Patients have done their research and know what materials they do not want. Clients come with usually large cosmetic and rehabilitation cases because conventional dentistry uses materials that damage teeth and expose the patient to harmful materials.”

BioSafe describes itself as a ”dentist’s patient and practice management system”. They’re attempting to correct many of the damaging things that have been taught at the dental schools. BioSafe is directly addressing the working dentists who urgently need to ”re-calibrate” their current practice in order to stop harming people.

The amazing thing about the world we’re in is that good folks like this often come under attack. How could this be?, you might ask. Well, simple. You and I both know it. These good folks are coming under attack because they risk the big giant profits of some really greedy, nasty people. So those nasty people go on the attack against these good people. Isn’t the world an odd place sometimes?




51) what the business side of things wants …



The priorities of a dentist can really explain the quality of work they will do. Many dentists have online blogs. These can be good places to learn how the dentist thinks about things generally. Like this dentist:

”You can go bankrupt buying the new gadgets that are coming onto the market on a frequent basis … such as business computerization, digital radiography, caries detection devices (KaVo’s DiagnoDent), intra-oral cameras, electric hand-pieces, and digital photography. Other technologies are more elective, such as operating microscopes, bleaching lights, imaging, computerized shade selection, some lasers, air abrasion, and others. I use the following reasoning to determine if I need a new technology: Do I currently have some device that does a given task as well as the proposed new technology, and is this new technology going to make my practice faster, easier, better, or less expensive to operate?”

This is a serious business minded dentist. His gadgets are very expensive. He cares a lot about effective patient treatment. It’s how the world works. This dentist is no different from a car repair shop or an appliance service center.

Dental healers are off in some tiny tea house thinking about this world and how it works. They’re looking for something very different. They want to be the most important person in any treatment office. They can’t imagine being processed for revenues.

There is an ”Ultimate Boot Camp” designed specifically for dentists. Doctor Maxillofacial shows up on day one wanting to increase his overall margins. They reassure him: ”Are you ready to see more new patients, perform more treatment, reduce no-shows and much more? Is it time to increase your production, have a motivated team, and enjoy dentistry again?”

”Here are some of the things you will learn: 1) How any practice can achieve 100% treatment plan acceptance, 2) Forty practice building tips from the best practices in North America, 3) Ten ”Sure Shot” ways to get unlimited new patients, 4) How to answer the most difficult and annoying questions patients ask – and turn them into treatment … “

The Ultimate Boot Camp taught their classes how to say ”I think you need that crown”. Not just the sentence. They were taught how to say it several times, putting the accent on the different syllables each time, to make it sound as convincing as possible. As a patient, did you know that you were up against hypnosis? You probably didn’t.

There’s another boot camp for dentists which has this slogan: ”In dentistry, we are in the business of health and it’s time for our practices to package, promote, and sell our products. It’s time for us to package health as a product and move to the top on the shopping list of life’s priorities.”

Heroic dentists mostly care about making their clients well. They came from the same dental colleges. There are no alternative colleges for dentistry. They somehow found it within themselves to become persons of integrity.

Instead of going to profit boot camps, they attended healing courses for alternative therapies. Sometimes they had to hybridize the concepts to make them work within the narrower medical spectrum of dentistry. But they did it anyway.

Their guiding principles run along the following lines:

1) Using minimally invasive procedures.
2) Ensuring that the client understands everything that’s going on.
3) Using no bio-toxic substances whatsoever.
4) Encouraging that every client has a good ”preventive” understanding.

There are heroes today. We just have to find them.





52) graduates who need to pay down big debts …


Over four years of dental college, dental students have paid a lot of money and likely have some very big debts. On a dental college blog, a recent graduate said: ”Seriously, most of us are coming out with $200K to half a million in loans. Payments are coming due, interest in capitalizing and compounding. It’s time to start putting a dent into that number if we expect to climb out of debt.”

So they now have to establish a new office or share one. They have big start up expenses on top of the debt. Is there pressure to make big money fast? If you said yes, go and have a bowl of natural yogurt.

It’s tough when a new dentist is trying to maximize revenues. Now we’re asking them to become members of the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology (IAOMT), which says: ”Bio-compatible dentistry is a lifestyle, an informed decision about the avoidance of toxic chemicals. We advocate achieving all the goals of modern dentistry while always choosing the safest, least toxic techniques and materials.”

There are tough things out there, and big debt is definitely one of them. Robert Nara said: ”The dentist is trained, and trained well, in repairative or restorative, mechanical dentistry. This means that he is concerned only with the technical aspects of a “symptom-fixing” approach to the teeth.” Wait Bob. He’s also concerned with making seriously good dough. Especially at the start.

Dentist Bill Wolfe says: ”The Western medical paradigm taught in medical and dental schools is basically that if you can’t dissect it in gross anatomy class, it doesn’t exist.” Yes, but debt exists. And it puts a big diamocles sword over many dental graduates. What can be done. Dental college is super expensive because dentistry is a closed shop.

In a few countries, dental education is subsidized or even free. This used to be the case in Lybia until NATO invaded it. It might be the case right now in Mexico. Dentists graduating from these places are almost guaranteed of doing better care for their clients, because of there being no financial pressure. Who wants a treatment plan from someone who’s in hock for a quarter million? I sure wouldn’t.





53) basement treatments that cost a lot less ….


This is a section that deals with life on the fringes of the dental universe. What if you were totally fed up with not being healed by modern dentistry? With paying large sums to let someone reduce your precious enamel to small stumps so they could place expensive but unhealthy crowns? Or remove your living teeth entirely so they could place their costly and risky implants? Would your wonderful new smile last long enough for you to recoup your losses?

So what if you decided to open up your own illegal home based clinic? Big time risk. Unless …you don’t work on anyone except yourself, and maybe your immediate family. And you use only non-invasive methods. Hand tools, basically. Because “the boss” is primed and ready to pounce if you try doing dentistry on your own and you haven’t been through the four-year approved college.

So don’t even think of it. Don’t do like these people:

”Over the years there have been reports of street dentists being caught and punished in various provinces of Canada. The Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario has a list of 14 alleged illegal practitioners awaiting prosecution and possible jail time. One defendant, said to have received the strongest possible punishment, was found guilty of contempt of court and received a three-month sentence from his case. He was ordered to repay the dental college for the cost of the investigation, estimated at $150,000.”

Another story said: ”The dental profession’s watchdog is struggling to thwart an underground enterprise with a seven-year, $1 million crackdown that has netted 42 imposters. ”I know it is illegal” said one underground dentist, ”I think I help people because my price is very low and quality is quite good.”

It’s ironic to hear the dental profession’s watchdog as “struggling”. Those hundred-thousand dollar fines will surely help to ease that discomfort. It’s also said that “32 per cent of Canadians, mostly low-income earners, don’t have dental insurance, and 17 per cent of Canadians avoided seeing a licensed dentist last year because of cost.”

I would venture that these figures are low. Most people who aren’t on employee plans or on insurance have to pay out of pocket for dentistry, which starts at around $200 per hour. Dentists work on a fee schedule but this figure is realistic.

The illegal dental clinics are sometimes run by well-qualified dentists trained in other countries who haven’t been able to get the accredited in their new country.
The University of Toronto has a two and a half year accreditation program for foreign-trained dentists. It costs over $100,000. It means going into initial debt. This is what some illegals practitioners face; they all would love to be accredited to practice legally. The Toronto program is limited to 28 spots annually and has around 250 applicants.

The University of Western Ontario offers a ”fast-track accreditation program” for less than $10,000. An article says: ”If their training and education are up to college standards, applicants who pass written and practical exams receive a license.”

Illegal dentists are probably not the scary monsters they’re made out to be. They’re probably very cheap and they probably cater to an underground immigrant community that can’t afford regular dentistry. Many small countries have these kinds of unlicensed dentists. It’s what the local folks can afford.




54) start your own home clinic …


More illegal stuff, if you’re up for it. If we wanted to do healing dentistry out of our basement, it probably wouldn’t be too long before we were busted. The authorities would eventually find out. But what if we weren’t in the slightest way interested in regular “drill, fill, and bill” dentistry? What if we wanted a purely healing clinic doing only low-key treatments? The picture would be very different.

Our tiny consulting clinic would be based on whole-body medicine with input from Ayurveda and TCM. Ideally, for this kind of clinic, we’d only need a dental hygienist on board. This is a two-year degree. Our cleanliness standards wlould be second to none.

We’d have a business license from our municipality as a ”healing service”. We’d be in a similar category as massage and counseling. Our home clinic would do referrals out to regular (but holistic) dentists for actual treatments requiring invasive action.

If we were trained in ART (Atraumatic Restoration Therapy), which is done in around a week, we’d be able to do simple restorations using only hand tools. We’d use one of the many gels available for our anesthetic needs. Our work would be sanitary and safe. We’d do cleanings using only bio-friendly materials.

We do need a comfortable chair for our clients, and good lighting and mirrors. Our basic diagnosis would be done with the pen-shaped laser DiagnoDent by KaVo. We can find a used one on Ebay for under $500. For as low as $150, we might be able to find a Coxo C-Hunter Dental Caries Detector.

Here’s a basic list for starting up a home-based clinic:

1) a nice client chair and cabinets.
2) safe clean water and natural ointments.
3) an autoclave
4) low-invasive dental hand tools.
5) a DiagnoDent or similar.
6) easy restoration kit.
7) compressor for suction and pressured air.
8) an Easy-Ozone unit.
9) an air-abrasion unit.
10) a healer’s license, and a healer’s attitude.

Our home dental office would be 100% legal, because it would be doing only hygiene and not invasive repairs. It would provide a valuable service to the community. It would be especially gratifying if people who are staunchly dentist-resistant, those who haven’t been to a dentist in years, started sniffing around our place. They would find friends here. They could finally start to heal without dread, pain, or financial ruin. Their lives would change.

There are healers of every stripe in many larger communities. They have their specialties of course. Some are energy healers while others use herbs and massage. Others are mostly working on the psychological level. Some of these healers could veer their focus towards the teeth with beneficial results.

Many accredited healers such as naturopaths and homeopaths (who train for several years) are especially skilled when it comes to long-term chronic conditions. They know things that the regular docs don’t. Things that mainstream medicine doesn’t solve so well. These upscale healers often have many years of detailed study on their resumes. They can be remarkably intuitive and effective.
Some of these original healers need to forge into the dental universe. When they do, it will signal a big change in how things are done.




55) getting equipped online …


The site Dental-Compare says: ”Regardless of the type of practice you run, it is likely you will need most or all of these items: Dental Patient Chairs, Operatory Cabinetry, Delivery Systems, Dental Operatory Lights, X-ray Imaging Equipment, Sterilization Equipment, Hand-pieces, Utility Equipment.”

Right away we can cross off the x-ray system and the hand-pieces. A digital x-ray unit might be considered somewhat safe. We can get these done by outsourcing if we need to.

What are the costs so far? One dental practice advisor says: ”Dental-specific lenders who provide start-up financing are very familiar with the cost of your new project which may run upward of $450,000 and of which only a third is equipment costs.”

But wait. We didn’t tell these black-suited finance folks that we’re an unlicensed home office! They’ve just given us a half-million dollars on an assumption! Imagine the joy when our own start-up expenses come in a closer to $2,000. We’ve just saved $448,000! That is a serious saving that can go directly into our practice.

To summarize, we need a clean office, a chair for treatment, basic non-invasive diagnostic equipment, and basic dental hygiene and cleaning tools. Our products and lotions will all be natural; no synthetic ingredients in our office. Regular dentists need to buy things like a CEREC-3 unit; it fabricates dental crowns and costs over $25,000. We do no crowns, because it’s not a part of healing. We’re saving $25,000 and we’re getting healthier in the process.

We’re avoiding the standard ”x-ray and metal-stick explorer” diagnostic process since the accuracy is less than 50% anyway. Plus, x-ray units are very costly. We could hire a dental hygiene student from a local trades college! Bonus: She’s quite attractive. This person is eager and conscientious. Our hygienist will do cleanings and scalings, but only according to healthy methods. Nothing mechanical. The hygienist will also provide preventive advice.

The hygienist is very capable at using an air-abrasion system, which is our 2nd main piece of equipment. There are many air-abrasion units online. We could find one for $200. It can prepare all restorations. It doesn’t harm healthy tissue and only removes the caries. We use a baking soda abrasive rather than the usual aluminum silicate, and this is slightly less abrasive but much healthier to the client.

When we do simple restorations (fillings), we’re not damaging any tooth tissue. Since we do nothing invasive, we’re completely legal. We simply have to meet the basic sanitary standards for any healthcare office. All our equipment is sanitized using a professional ”autoclave” using pressure-steam up to 130 C degrees. (We can find a good one on Ebay for under $200.) We encourage any government inspectors to visit our office and do testing to their full satisfaction. there’s nothing secret or furtive here! It’s all above board and 100% hygienically safe.

On Ebay one can find composite restoration kits for under $30. The quality of these restoration kits might be questionable. As healers, we would use only proven bio-compatible materials and reputable suppliers. Some kits use Zinc-Oxide Eugenol, which is a common temporary filling material. Some however use dental-grade epoxy-filler composites from big manufacturers.

One ad says: ”Do-it-yourself Permanent Tooth White Filling Cement Kit: High Strength. Permanent class III, class V restorations and small class fillings. 1 Kit provides enough material for Minimum 15 Repairs unlike other DIY kits. Universal shade to achieve desired natural aesthetics. Self-Curing Radiopaque Glass Ionomer Filling Material for permanent dental fillings.”

This kind of do-it-yourself treatment has its share of risks. Just listen to an executive of the National College of Dental Surgeons (the licensing authority for dentists) describe it: ”I suspect there are probably hundreds of (illegal dentists) out there. They’re dangerous. They’re totally unregulated. What standards do these bogus phonies have? What skills do they have? If someone’s going to put a high-speed drill in my mouth, I want to know.”

The bogus phonies at least aren’t putting in highly toxic mercury implants into children’s mouths. Among other things. The bogus phonies are also not burning away priceless dental enamel to leave a stump onto which is placed an expensive crown. Among other things …. Or pulling out all of someone’s teeth in order to place very lucrative implants.

One media story said: ”(The CEO of the BC College of Dental Surgeons) said the illegal clinic did not meet the hygienic control standards of licensed dentists, but some efforts at hygienic control were made. The CEO did recommend, however, that any person treated by (these underground dentists) see a physician or a registered dentist. Illegal dental clinics tend to be underground and secretive, which the college has said makes them difficult to find and shut down.”

A legitimate healing clinic poses none of these risks. There are too many people avoiding dentists today. It’s past the theory stage. People are terrified and they’re confused and they have every right to be. They’ve been injured big-time in the past and now their phobia is powerful and entrenched. It’s legitimate and logical.

Regulators from the big executive boards need a good dose of honesty. In their never ending quest for profit and control of their industry, they’re losing the plot entirely. They already know that their product is not for healing, but for profit. So they resort to misleading marketing to steer people away from the honest goods.





56) getting away from the expensive local practitioners …


Here’s where we check out completely and go to foreign countries in search of cheap dental care. Beware: Cheap is often not better.

Let’s say you just got a treatment plan from your dentist and it’s in the several thousands. This plan doesn’t have much to do with long-term healing (surprise). You’re not not feeling especially positive about it, and there’s not much you can do about it. At the same time you haven’t been on a tropical vacation for awhile. So you do a bit of surfing and you find out that the dentists in that small country charge a small fraction of what they charge at home. What do you do? Do you tuck the bathing suit underneath the beach towel or on top of it?

Travel is usually healing all on its own. The new culture, the food, the music. It often adds up to deep wellness and happiness. Dentists in many foreign countries don’t differ much in their training and methods, compared to their western counterparts. Modern dentistry follows the same basic protocol around the world.

I’ve taken the dental tourism route a couple of times and I’ve saved money. The healing part was because I directed the process entirely. Dentists in foreign places will usually oblige. There are some top-notch holistic dentists in dental tourism hotspots.

One such hotspot is in Costa Rica. There is a suburb called Escazu that has many “fly in – fly out” hospitals. They also have many tourist-geared dentists, but these practices have raised their prices a lot. I found an amazing holistic dentist on the other side of the capital, in a mountain town called Coronado, where fewer tourists go. This lady had everything from ozone to iridology. Her work was awesome, and it was cheap.

In smaller countries you have the street-level (small-shop) clinics. These are usually a big risk. The dentist might have a fake degree on the wall. The hygienic standards will be a lot lower. They might not have anesthetic. Their tools might be older or second-hand. They will offer rock bottom prices, but it’s too risky. If you’re going there to have your toxic fillings removed, they might not use rubber dams, or they may have imadequate room-ventilation.

Many coutries have expat dental areas. The clinics are modern and well equipped. The attending dentists will be well-trained. These clinics are the good value and can save you 50% to 75% or more. Mexico is a great location for expat dentistry. The border towns are the places to go.

Mexican dental education is much cheaper than in Canada or elsewhere. It’s usually subsidized so that the graduating student isn’t burdened with huge debt when just starting out. Less financial pressure means less upselling.

In Europe, the eastern European countries are well-regarded for low-cost dentistry: Lithuania, Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic, and Rumania. The Germans, French, and Britons are the primary customers.

Directly across the border from Austria is a small Hungarian town called Mosonmagyarovar. The hamlet has an incredible 160 dental offices. Western Europeans flock there for big savings. Hopefully they will also find a bio-friendly healing-conscious dentist.

Across the border from the U.S. you have several Mexican towns that have a brisk dental toursit trade. A news story says: ”Los Algodones is a small Sonoran Desert Mexican town where it borders with California and Arizona. It has more dentists per capita than anywhere else on Earth. In a one square-kilometre warren of dental offices and pharmacies, 250 to 300 dentists ply a trade driven by the appetite for inexpensive tooth repair.

”A Phoenix-based dental brokerage company runs a 3 hour van shuttle of up to 10 people a time, four times a month to the Yuma, Arizona side of the border. From there, clients walk across the frontier into a tooth care bazaar where they’ll be receiving anesthetic within minutes. People need to be very cautious when seeking Mexican dental treatment because if malpractice occurs those discount dentists are often unaccountable.”

That’s a good sober warning. It’s always best to seek out genuine healing regardless of savings.

Ada Garcia runs a holistic dental practice in Tijuana, Mexico. She has a resort-style facility with splashing fountains where clients spend the entire time of their treatments. It’s also close to the beach which is nice. She is an example of a conscientious dentist who won’t create needs. She follows the Huggins Protocol and the BioSafe protocols as well.

Expect dental tourism to grow in popularity. It could be very lucrative for the local dentists. It’s a real boon when you find these foreign dentists doing serious healing work. These dentists are possibly taking extra classes in Naturopathy and holistic methods besides their dental college courses. They’re definitely worth an extra cost, and are worth travelling for. And travel is very healing all on its own.





57) a framework for healing …


Chances are that you can heal your teeth easily if you have good habits. It’s going to take more effort if you have to change your ingrained habits. The commitment to heal is the biggest factor of all.

Remineralization is a kind of magic word. It’s the promise that your dental enamel could improve from the outside, that is, from the saliva and from special toothpaste. You would be adding the same elements that constitute natural enamel. And since the enamel is incapable of naturally regenerating itself, being the only body tissue that cannot do this, you need to add onto it from the outside. Or else, get an artificial restoration.

First the inside process: There is a Fluid Transport System (FTS). Teeth are made with three primary layers: enamel, dentin, and the pulp (nerve and blood vessels). It’s known that the body continuously supplies the teeth with mineral rich substance. Inside the teeth are millions of microscopic channels and capillaries, and these supply the dentin (the inner layer) with nutrients which in turn supply the outer enamel. People assume that the enamel is impermeable, but it isn’t. It’s an organic ever-growing layer despite that it looks totally solid.

The FTS is an ongoing repair mechanism. The body knows exactly what the teeth need at any given time. It will supply this need in the right mix of minerals and nutrients. The FTS is a flow from the body outward. Enamel does wear down slowly and it has to be rebuilt from within.

”The dentinal flow carries a pH of 7.4 and this allows it to act as a buffer to neutralize bacterial acids, thus carrying out a continuous self-cleansing action.”

The teeth will also remineralize (repair themselves) from the outside as well. Saliva has this incredible property. Saliva carries many nutrient-rich substances which aren’t properly understood by science. Saliva carries a healing property to the dental enamel. We know that the saliva is high in calcium and phosphate (carbamyl phosphate). These assist the mineral nature of the enamel. The enamel has cells but they aren’t active in the normal sense. They’re like bone cells. The activity is nearly all mineral. The saliva brings nutrients that strengthen the natural state of the enamel. It also supplies oxidation, in solution. Oxygen is always a beneficial healer.

Tim Rainey (co-inventor of MID) says: ”The tooth is covered with a layer of lipoprotein, laden with calcium phosphate that comes and goes. Beneath that is an extremely hard and dense layer of enamel, which is about 0.2 millimetres, or 200-400 microns thick. Inside of that hard layer, the tooth structure becomes much softer. These parts all form the structural integrity of the tooth. When you bite down on the tooth, the stress is transferred through the entire tooth down into the root, which deforms slightly. This is part of its natural stress-relieving mechanism.”

It’s always easy to run to the dentist. Just make a call and schedule an appointment. But following our own healing path is a lot more interesting. In the long run, it’s the only rewarding solution.

Alkalinity is essential to good oral health. When acidity predominates, cavities happen. Teeth are composed of many organic minerals, most notably calcium. The Fluid Transport System brings nutrients from within and the calcium-bringing saliva helps renourish teeth from outside.

Robert Nara says: ”The smaller cavities will heal, remineralize up to about two millimetres deep. What will happen in a tooth that is severely decayed is that the stump will firm up. Instead of being soft and mushy, it develops a leathery consistency. A healed tooth will remain resistant to decay as long as the oral conditions are beneficial.”

There are many documented cases of very damaged teeth firming up and becoming solid and functional. It takes absolute commitment.

Ulla Schmid of the Healing Teeth Naturally website says: ”Remineralizing means forming new hardened enamel. Such re-mineralization or “glazing over” of teeth is most reliably achieved by a dietary change or adaptation. A nutrition rich in minerals, trace elements, vitamins and various phytonutrients combined with the avoidance of all refined and other damaging foodstuffs, especially sugar and white flour.”

”The health-giving elements are particularly found in raw organic edibles, fresh and unprocessed food, sunshine for vitamin D production (required for proper assimilation of calcium into the dental structure). Make particularly sure to get enough tooth and bone-friendly vitamin K2, A, D and C and the full mineral and trace element spectrum.”

”Good oral hygiene can help save teeth by raising saliva pH to tooth-friendly levels. One near-instant way of doing this is the use of baking soda for tooth brushing or rinsing.”

There’s a process of ingenuity where we ask the body what it needs. We have to listen. To ask our bodies about dental healing, and to listen for the answers. This takes a lot of commitment.




58) why not become a healing coach? …


Right now, there are very few dental healing coaches or consultants who serve the public. The only dental consultants we see are those who help dentists build more profitable practices. There are plenty of these consultants around, but hardly any who are focused on helping people heal. This presents a vast opportunity. Consider it carefully.

The cost-benefits of dental healing are absolutely immeasurable. Everyone wants to be well. And the teeth is where most people really need the help. Many people can be well generally but their teeth are absolutely injured.

The discrepancy between general health and dental health is really due to the fact that the dental profession has been ”mining” their teeth for profits for a very long time, and now their teeth resemble an open pit mine, scarred and battered.

Are you fit to be a dental healing consultant? Do you love the idea of helping folks become fit and well dentally? Are you convinced that the oral health is a real key to overall health?

Really, it’s going to take individuals, not big companies, to get dentistry back on track. You could be one of the pioneers. Think about such a legacy.

Is there any difference between a coach and a consultant? It’s a matter of scale. The coach works on a personal level, usually one on one. A coach is a motivator and a mentor. A consultant is more geared to working with large organizations to help get the employees fit and well. Karyn Greenstreet says: ”A coach works on bringing out the best that’s already inside you. To help you move forward on your dreams, goals and tasks.”

So maybe it’s a matter of scale. Whatever you’d feel most comfortable with. The coach would work with people individually to set up a long term healing plan. The coach will be networking with the best healing dentists in the community. A dental healing coach will really push the client to reach that excellent goal. Ultimately, both will be the winners.

A dental healing coach is a realist. There are no spells allowwed withthis kind of dental wellness. No ”smile makeover” talk. The dental healing coach could become a hero to many folks. He or she would get their lives on track.

The dental healing coach will save clients a fortune, right off the bat. There will be far fewer needless treatments. Every treatment done will go through two sets of appraisals; the client’s and the coach’s. Two objective minds will guarantee much better results.

The coach will reverse years of neglect. She will right the ship and set its course on a solid charting. The coach will have many resources to draw on.

Since the consultant works with groups and companies, this person will need to know how to help these groups measurably in financial savings and benefits. Such savings are guaranteed to be measurable.

The dental healing consultant will assess the dental health of employees and calculate the employee lost-time due to illness. She will figure out how much of these illnesses are due to dental problems. That number is assured to be high. A dental healing consultant role is ideally suited to someone with training in dental hygiene. This person will have done some study into the dental profession and how it works.

Companies naturally want to save money; employee down-time is a big loss. A healthy workforce is very profitable. The workers are also happier. A dental healing consultant will keep accurate tabs on the group’s dental health habits and their treatment providers. There’s organizing work there. The consultant will manage all dental insurance plans to make sure that premiums are the lowest possible. Cost saving to companies will be very measurable.

Scott Adams, the Dilbert cartoonist, said: ”A consultant is a person who takes your money and annoys your employees while tirelessly searching for the best way to extend the consulting contract. Consultants will hold a seemingly endless series of meetings to test various hypotheses and assumptions. These exercises are a vital step toward tricking managers into revealing the recommendation that is most likely to generate repeat consulting business.”

This is not the consultant we want to be. It’s the failure model. We’re doing winner consulting and it’s helping everyone. All parties benefit. Most of all, individual people benefit by having their health restored.

I’ve read that: ”The greatest demand for consulting skills are always found where there is change, chaos, decline, rapid growth or some other aspect of transition or discontinuity.” Sounds like thriving in a combat zone. But isn’t that pretty much what dentistry is these days?

Dentists will mostly embrace positive changes to their profession. They are probably looking for any kind of meaning in their profession besides the big money, and many probably don’t enjoy the thought of ripping people off on a daily basis. The dental healing coach and consultant will be profession-leaders.

As a working dental healing coach or consultant, you’d come face to face with a lot of people who have some serious dental issues. You’d see the whole mess right up close. Are you ready for that? It could be the greatest thing you’ve ever done.

A short time after set-up, you will be in constant demand. This is certain if you are a conscientious person who sincerely does the best for your client. You’ll be helping the best and safest dentists gain trust and credibility in their community.

The best outcome of being a dental healing coach or consultant is that you’ll help usher in the new Naturopathic Dentistry. Genuine healing dentistry needs its thought-leaders and shapers. Why not get in on the ground floor? Be the hero you are meant to be. Make a significant difference in you world, in the lives of many people on a daily basis.




59) where I wish you the best on the new journey …


There’s a saying that when it’s time to close a discussion, you close it.

Don’t let other people define your reality for you. If someone says you can’t do something that’s good, just walk away from the person. Don’t even argue. Keep your own sense of faith solid and sacred.

If you really believe that something like dental healing will happen (whether for yourself or for others also) the odds are in favor of that happening. So start expecting the magical and the amazing. Don’t hold back. Train your brilliant mind to expect the very best. Your excellent mind is the one God gave you when you were born.

If you’re going to change your basic habits in order to accelerate your dental healing, then you’re on the right path. You have to give up something to get something. Giving up the highly-processed foods and candy drinks is not really hard. It’s amazingly easy and enjoyable. Dare to give up the nonsense. Dental healing is worth everything you invest into it.

Go on a fast. Test yourself and watch the body respond. Go and argue with dentists about real healing. Argue like crazy because deep down, they are famished for truth, just as you are. Drop that scheduled dental appointment and hire yourself as your own new dental expert instead. Do the unexpected. And listen very carefully to your teeth, to what they are telling you.

Take this path seriously. Become a dental metaphysician. You are going to heal dentally. You know it. Now it’s just a matter of gathering momentum. The good forces will be with you because you’re on a path of truth.


